Discuss the the World's Prevailing Winds.


Discuss the the World's Prevailing Winds.



These are the major winds blowing over the earth frequently and consistently and which influence the world weather.

1. Trade Winds
- Blow from sub-tropical high pressure zone and blow to the equatorial low pressure belt.

2. Westeries
- Originate from sub-tropical high pressure zone and blow to the temperate low pressure belt.

3. The Polar Easteries
- Originate from polar high pressure zone and blow to temperate low pressure zone.
Monsoon Winds

4 Seasonal winds which reverse in the direction of flow.
- They blow towards the land during summer (onshore) and from the land during winter (off shore).

-Bring heavy rains when onshore which can cause severe flooding.
- Well developed in the Indian Sun-continent, china, Japan and S.E Asia.
marto answered the question on March 22, 2019 at 08:50

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