Show how Block Subsidence/Cauldron is formed.


Show how Block Subsidence/Cauldron is formed.




- Eruption occurs to form a volcano.
- An empty space (cauldron) is left in the magma reservoir in the mantle.
- The rocks forming the middle of volcano are pulled inwards by gravity.
- The middle of the volcano collapses forming a large depression at the top e.g. Menengai Caldera near Nakuru and Ngorongoro caldera which is the largest in E. Africa and 6th largest in the world.
- Water from rain or underground may fill calderas to form lakes e.g. L. Magadi in the Ngorongoro caldera and L. Ngozi in Tanzania.

Outward Collapsing

-Ash and pyroclasts volcano grows high.
- Materials on top exert pressure on those below.
- Materials at the base begin to spread outwards.
- The top of volcano collapses inwards forming a collapse caldera e.g. Napak Caldera in Uganda.
-A vent in a volcano which emits gases

marto answered the question on March 25, 2019 at 07:04

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