Briefly discuss the methods of Showing Direction.


Briefly discuss the methods of Showing Direction.



Traditional Methods

1. Use of Stars
-E.g. use of groups of stars called plough to find northern direction by locating the pole star and use of Southern Cross by using the brightest star which is over South Pole to find northern direction.
-E.g. morning, shadow of flag pole cast to your left you are facing north, etc.

3. Land Marks
-Using conspicuous features such as hills, buildings even roads to get direction.
Modern Methods

1. Land Marks

2. Compass Direction.
-Use of magnetic compass which has a needle which always points north.
It has 16 cardinal points and 4 are basic.

-Expression of direction in degrees of an angle.
It’s measured from north in a clockwise direction.
marto answered the question on March 25, 2019 at 07:39

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