Outline the mountain ranges where Mountain Climate is experienced and give its characteristics.


Outline the mountain ranges where Mountain Climate is experienced and give its characteristics.




1. Mt. Kenya (5199)

2. Mt. Ruwenzori (5109)

3. Mt. Kilimanjaro (5895)

4. Mt. Everest (8848)

5. Atlas mountains in Africa

6. Rockies of N. America

7. Alps of Europe

8. Himalayas in Asia


-Temperature decreases with increasing altitude.
-Experiences Orographic rainfall.
- Rainfall increases with altitude up to 3000mm and starts to decrease because air is cold and hence has poor capacity to hold moisture.
- Windward slopes are wetter than leeward slopes.
- Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude.
- Local winds are common and blow up the slope during the day and down slope at night.
- In temperate regions slopes facing the equator are warmer than those facing the poles.

- Atlas mountains in Africa
- Rockies of N. America
- Alps of Europe
- Himalayas in Asia
marto answered the question on March 26, 2019 at 05:42

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