Define Local/Micro Climates and state where they are found.


Define Local/Micro Climates and state where they are found.



Micro climate is the climate experienced within a small area which is slightly different compared to the general climate of the area.
It occurs on the immediate surroundings and within some phenomenon on the earth’s surface.

Micro-climates can be found in the following areas:

(a) Within and around a forest

- Experience low temperatures due to trees preventing solar insolation from reaching the ground.
- Experiences high rainfall due to high rates of evapotranspiration.

(a) Urban areas

- Higher temperatures due to green house effect (situation where atmospheric gases absorb heat that is given off by the earth (terrestrial radiation) before its sent back to space causing the temperature of the lower atmosphere to increase.

(b) Around man made lakes

Aridity and Desertification
-Aridity-state of land being deficient of moisture leading to little or no vegetation.
-Desertification-process in which desert like conditions slowly and steadily encroach on formerly productive agricultural land.

marto answered the question on March 26, 2019 at 05:48

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