Outline the characteristics of temperate deciduous forests, their characteristics and uses


Outline the characteristics of temperate deciduous forests, their characteristics and uses.



-Found in areas experiencing cool temperate western marginal climate.


1. C. and W. Europe.
2. Most of E. states of U.S.A.
3. Chile in S. America.


- Trees are deciduous and shed leaves in autumn and become green in summer.
- Individual species of trees are scattered and their density per unit area is small.
- Trees are smaller in size.
- Trees are broad leaved.
- Most of the trees are hardwoods
- There is rich undergrowth because of being fairly open.
- Trees are easier to exploit than tropical hardwoods.


(a) Hardwoods such as oak and birch are used for timber, wood fuel and charcoal.

(b) Chestnut and walnut nuts are edible.

(c) Oak tree fruits are used for feeding pigs.

(d) Tung tree yields oil for making paint and furnish.

(e) Maple sap is used for making maple syrup.

Trees include eucalyptus (blue gum), olive, birch, walnut, elm and ash.

marto answered the question on March 26, 2019 at 06:34

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