Sometimes life can be full of contradictions.With illustrations from Bertolt Bretcht's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,show the truth of this statement.


Sometimes life can be full of contradictions.With illustrattions from Bertolt Bretcht's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,show the truth of this statement.



Contradictions are part of life.Many times we come across situations that seem ambiguous and out of place.In the Caucasian Chalk Circle, there are several situations that seem illogical.
Grusha takes and escapes with the child and the more she does so she puts herself in more danger.We expect Grusha to mind about her own safety, she escapes with Michael with the full knowledge that she risked being killed by the ironshirts who had been sent to kill the late governor's son.She risks a lot when she runs away to the peasant house and saves herself by knocking at one of the iron shirts with a log of wood.In crossing the rotten bridge, she risks falling into a two - thousand deep ravine.
The playwright brands Grusha both a hero and a thief,The writer says"...she crept away....,as if it was stolen goods she picked it up."She takes the governors son without consent,which amounts to abduction. But the very act of stealing the child saves the child from the iron shirts who would have eliminated him.In the end the
'thief' is rewarded when she is allowed to keep the child as hers.Therefore,Grusha emerges the hero.
Adzak during his rulings speaks as if he lacks wisdom although he speaks the truth and could be seen as one of the wisest characters in the play.On realizing that he had given shelter to the Duke,he makes Shauwa arrest him.He then drags Shauwa to the city and denounces himself,informing everyone that he protected the Grand Duke and therefore must be killed.After he is appointed judge,Adzak makes some wise judgments like in the case of the Chalk Circle.This contradicts our initial judgement of him.
Grusha brother,Lavrenti lives under his wife's rule but is prepared to behave in an overbearing manner towards his own sister.When he realizes that she has a baby,out of wedlock,he tells her not to tell his wife that there i no father,showing that his wife is religious. Aniko tries everything to get Grusha out of her house,because she is afraid of what the neighbors will say about an unmarried woman with a child.She comes up with several excuses for why Grusha cannot stay with them,"... the countryside is too boring for city folk .....she might have scarlet fever or tuberculosis..."Lavrenti gives her a roof over her head and arranges for her marriage to Jussup.
In conclusion,the playwright succeeds in developing the characters traits of Grusha, Adzak and Lavrenti.

marto answered the question on June 29, 2017 at 05:12

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