1. Doesn’t experience winter so logging can go on throughout the year.
2. Soft wood forests in Kenya are easier to exploit because trees are planted in rows unlike in Kenya where they are natural and trees grow haphazardly.
3. In Kenya forests are accessible throughout the year unlike in Canada where forests in the north are inaccessible during severe winter and ruggedness.
4. In Kenya logging can go on throughout the year because there is no winter.
5. Availability of water from R. Nzoia for pulp and paper manufacture at Webuye.
6. Ready market due to high demand for wood products locally and outside in COMESA.
1. Mild winters in British Columbia which makes it possible to transport logs throughout the year.
2. Availability of water from many rivers providing plenty of water for paper and pulp manufacture.
3. Cheap H.E.P. for factories from many rivers in Canada.
4. Cheap and efficient land and water transport system easing transport of logs to factories and to markets.
5. Coastal location of major producing areas making exportation of timber to U.S.A. and Japan easy
marto answered the question on March 26, 2019 at 08:21
- Define Forest and give the type of forests.(Solved)
Define Forest and give the type of forests.
Date posted: March 26, 2019. Answers (1)
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Outline the significance of Vegetation.
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Give the location of the temperate evergreen forests, outline their characteristics and uses.
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Location, Characteristics and Uses of Monsoon Forests
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Define mangrove Forests,outline its Characteristics and uses.
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With an aid of a diagram discuss the vegetation in Kenya.
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Define Vegetation and discuss the types of vegetation.
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Define Local/Micro Climates and state where they are found.
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Use the following table of Temperature and Rainfall for Kisumu to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Draw a bar graph to represent rainfall figures.
(b) Calculate the mean monthly temperature for the place.
(c) Calculate the mean annual temperature range.
(d) Calculate the annual rainfall totals.
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