1. Industrial & Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC)
ICDC is the first public Development Financial Institution (DFI) to be established in
Kenya. It was established in 1954 by an Act of parliament. Over time, through joint
venture equity investment arrangements, ICDC has participated in the promotion of many companies operating in virtually all sectors of the economy. It has further assisted many indigenous Kenyans in the promotion of commercial ventures, through its lending programs in support of small and medium enterprises (SMES).
By 2006 ICDC had invested in a cumulative total of 105 companies in its equity portfolio. The projects financed included some of Kenya’s well established companies such as Centum Ltd, Uchumi Supermarkets Limited, AON Minet Insurance Brokers Limited, Eveready Batteries (K) Ltd., Kenya Wine Agencies Ltd., Industrial Development Bank Ltd., Development Bank of Kenya Ltd., Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC), Rivatex Ltd., Kenatco Taxis andGeneral Motors (K) Ltd.
Through its branch network countrywide, the Corporation has assisted over 15,000 small and medium enterprises distributed in all counties in Kenya and covering diverse sectors of the economy (manufacturing, commerce, property and service, etc). The cumulative amount disbursed to these enterprises is in excess of Kshs. 2.0 billion
2. Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) was established in 1967 as a subsidiary of Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC). Its major role is to promote indigenous entrepreneurship by financing and developing small scale and micro enterprises. KIE facilitates development and incubation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) countrywide by: i) Establishing industrial parks (areas designated for small industries) ii) Providing credit iii) Provide Business development services (BDS)
3. Youth Enterprise Development Fund
The Youth Enterprise Development Fund was established by the government in 2006 with the sole purpose of reducing unemployment among the young who account for over 61 percent of the unemployed in the country. The target of the fund is young people within the age brackets of 18-35 years who number 15 million.
Its mission is to increase opportunities for and participation by the Kenyan youth in national building through economic development and strategic partnerships.
The fund’s strategic fund focus is on enterprise development as a key strategy that will increase economic opportunities for the youth.
4. Women Enterprise Development Fund
The Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) was established through Legal Notice No. 147 of 2007 and began its operations in December 2007. The Fund was established to provide alternative financial services to women who are excluded from the formal and informal financial sectors. The Fund provides accessible & affordable credit to support women start and/or expand business for wealth and employment creation.
Kavungya answered the question on March 26, 2019 at 08:27