b) Draw a circle of convenient size using a pair of compasses.
c) From the centre of the circle mark out each calculated angle using a protractor
d) Shade the sectors differently and provide the key for various shadings.
1. Gives a good/clear visual impression
2. Easy to draw.
3. Can be used to present varying types of data e.g. minerals, population, etc.
4. Easy to read and interpret as segments are arranged in descending order and are also well shaded.
5. Easy to compare individual segments.
1. Difficult to interpret if segments are many.
2. Tedious due to a lot of mathematical calculations and marking out of angles involved.
3. Can’t be used to show trend/change over a certain period.
4. Small quantities or decimals may not be easily represented.
1. The main producer of commercial vehicles is Japan.
2. The second largest producer is USA followed by Russia.
3. The lowest producers were France and West Germany with.

marto answered the question on
March 26, 2019 at 08:42