In dysfunctional governments, public officer seek ways of benefiting themselves rather than serving the state. Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city, show the truth of this statement.


In dysfunctional governments, public officer seek ways of benefiting themselves rather than serving the state. Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city, show the truth of this statement.



In governments like the one in Betrayal in the city,those working for it do so to benefit themselves. Their concern is not to serve the community but to enrich themselves,and work towards their own benefit.
At the beginning of the entertainment committee meeting,Nicodemo demands to know 'the size of the potato' they will get.His interest is the money he will make at the committee and not how to make the committee working.When he is involved that they will be paid on daily basis he suggest that they meet daily before the visiting head of state and after for the purpose of review.

When the entertainment committee meeting breaks up after news of Kabito's death,Nicodemo asks Tumbo whether 'that day would be counted.'He needed to confirm if he would be paid for coming to the meeting although he knew very well that he had done nothing constructive.

Mulili is so determined to stop the shaving ceremony because we learn from the playwright that he i doing this because he was promised grade cattle and acres of land by Boss.
Boss is also said to have hidden money in foreign banks.He i disturbed when Mulili accuses Kabito that he has been shouting about it at the entertainment committee.This is clear proof that he has been stealing for the government and so he orders that Kabito be killed.

In conclusion those who serve the government of Kafira are only interested in the money they make from the government.A government served by such people can not serve the interest of the governed.
marto answered the question on June 29, 2017 at 07:28

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