What is the role of elders in promoting harmony and mutual responsibility in traditional African communities?


Explain the role of elders in promoting harmony and mutual responsibility in traditional African communities.



(i) They safeguard regulations governing the use and ownership of land.

(ii) They mediate between the spirit world and the world of the living.

(iii) They lead the people in the community in religious ceremonies.

(iv) They safeguard traditional norms and taboos.

(v) They make decisions on important issues affecting the community.

(vi) They settle disputes.

(vii) They decide on the punishment for offences.

(viii) They act as spokesmen for their communities.

(ix) They are consulted on important issues.

(x) They fix dates for important occasions in the community.

(xi) They help to reconcile warring parties.

(xii) They constantly remind the people of the traditional practices and the customs.

(xiii) They intercede for the community to ward off punishment from the God, spirits and ancestors.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 29, 2017 at 08:27

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