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A block of metal of mass 150g at 1000C is dropped into a lagged calorimeter of heat capacity 40JK-1 containing 100g of water at 250C....


A block of metal of mass 150g at 1000C is dropped into a lagged calorimeter of heat capacity 40JK-1 containing 100g of water at 250C. The temperature of the resulting mixture is 340C. (Specific heat capacity of water=4200JK-1).

(i) Heat gained by calorimeter;
(ii) Heat gained by water;
(iii) Heat lost by the metal block;
(iv) Specific heat capacity of the metal block



= 40 (34 – 25) = 40 x 9
= 360 J

= 100 x 103 x 4.2 x 103 (34 – 25)
= 3.780J

(iii) = MmCm (100 – 34)
= 0.15cm x 66 = 9.9 cm or
= 360 + 3780
= 4140J

(iv) = 0.15cm x 66 = 4140
= Cm = 4140/ 0.15 x 66 = 418 Jkg-1K-1
Wilfykil answered the question on March 27, 2019 at 12:06

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