(i) In the first creation story human beings were created last while in the second man was created first before the Garden of Eden.
(ii) God rested after working on the seventh day in the first account of creation however, this is not mentioned in the second account.
(iii) In the first account, the earth was formless mass but in the second one the land was bare and dry.
(iv) God creates through a word of divine command in the first account but in the second one God is described as a moulder, forming man from the dust.
(v) Creation takes place in stages (days) in the first account, but in the second one no stages are followed and duration is not given.
(vi) In the first account, human beings are the climax of the creation but in the second one man is the centre of God's creation.
(vii) Both male and female are created at the same time in the first account but in the second one God created man first and the woman last.
(viii) In the first account human beings are created to procreate but in the second one, they are created to live together in marriage institution.
(ix) In the first account, human beings are to eat plant yielding seeds as food but in the second account, they are not to eat fruits from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Give the differences between the two accounts of creation?
? There is a difference in order in which the creation is done.
? The first account starts with the creation of light while the second starts with the creation of
? In the first account there is the mention of the days, which is omitted, in the second account.
? The creation of the firmament – light, sun, stars, fishes and creeping things are included in
first account and are omitted in the second account.
? In the first account, creation is out of nothing but in the second account creation is out of
substance. (For example, in the first account God said “let there be” while in the second
account He created) and the creation of man is out of dust and plants are made to grow out of
? In the first account everything that God made is seen as good while this is omitted in the
second account.
? From the second account woman is made from the ribs of man but omitted in the first
? In the first account, marriage is for procreation while in the second account marriage is for
? In the second account there is the mention of the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit,
which is omitted, in the first account.
? In the first account God rested on the last day but rest is omitted in the second account
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 1, 2017 at 06:20
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