- Method is used to catch pelagic and anadromous/migratory fish which swim in shoals.
- A Bag like nets with small meshes (seine) attached to two boats on each end is cast into the sea.
- It’s kept open and held in position by floats on top and weights at the bottom.
- Fish move towards the net and get trapped.
- The net is hauled over and fish emptied onto the ship or the net is hauled to the shore (haul seining).
- Leads to overfishing because it doesn’t discriminate the ages of fish caught.
- Mainly used to catch demersal fish.
- A bag shaped net is attached to a trawler (ship) is is cast into deep waters
- The upper part is kept open by floats and lower part kept down by weights.
- The net is dragged by the trawler along the sea bed.
- The trawl net sweeps in the fish.
- The net is hauled into the trawler and the fish is emptied on board.
- Also catches immature fish.
Line Fishing
-The method is used to catch demersal fish.
- Fishing boats spread out long line with several baited hooks on them.
- Floats keep the lines suspended and also show the fishermen where the lines are.
- Baited hooks catch the fish as they compete to feed.
- Hooks are drawn and fish unhooked and put in refrigerated containers
marto answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 05:16
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