Outline the factors making Japan to be the Leading Nation in Fishing.


Outline the factors making Japan to be the Leading Nation in Fishing.



Physical Factors

1. Rugged mountainous landscape which doesn’t offer favorable conditions for agriculture making fishing to be an alternative economic activity

2. Extensive shallow continental shelf that hosts a lot of fish.

3. Convergence of warm Kuroshiwo and cold Oyashiwo currents providing a suitable habitat for plankton on which fish feed.

4. Natural indented coasts that provide good breeding ground as well as excellent natural fishing ports e.g. Yokohama and Nagasaki.

Human Factors

5. High technology such as large ships with refrigeration and processing facilities which carry large stocks and enable fishermen to carry out fishing in deep seas and over long periods and equipment to detect where there are abundant fish.

6. Large market for fish due to fish being a popular meal, population being large and with a high purchasing power.

7. Fish farming is carried out in the fresh waters and dams which are intensively managed allowing maximum returns.

8. Fish marketing is done through co-operatives which advance loans to fishermen to improve and expand their fishing

marto answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 05:34

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