- Both countries carry out inland and marine fishing activities.
- There is over exploitation of fish resources in both countries.
- There is fish farming in both countries to supplement natural fisheries.
- Both countries experience the problem of pollution whereby in Kenya it’s by industrial effluents and agricultural chemicals and in Japan by industries dumping mercury into the sea.
- In Kenya fishing is mostly concentrated in inland waters while in japan fishing is mostly concentrated in the N.W. Pacific fishing grounds.
- In Kenya fishing is carried a few kilometres off the shore but in japan it is done in deep seas even far beyond their territorial waters.
- Less fish is found in Kenya due to warm waters and narrow continental shelf while in japan there plenty of fish in marine waters due to broad continental shelf and convergence of warm and cold current.
- In Kenya there is low demand for fish than in Japan.
- In japan the fish species caught are cod, Mackerel, Alaska Pollack while in Kenya it is Tilapia, Nile Perch Dagaa and black bass.
- In Japan marketing of fish is done mainly by co-operatives while in Kenya it’s mainly done by individual fishermen although there are few co-operatives.
- Marine fishing in Kenya faces competition from other countries such as Japan and Korea while in japan it doesn’t.
- Japan has more advanced technology than Kenya that ensures heavy catch while Kenya has limited technology leading to low catch
- Modern methods of preserving and processing fish such as refrigerated vessels and fish filleting are used in both countries.
- Fish is consumed locally and exported in both countries.
- In both countries fishermen have organised themselves into co-operatives.
- In both countries fishing faces the problem of restriction e.g. in japan by Korean Government while in Kenya they are restricted from Ugandan and Tanzanian waters.
marto answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 05:38
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