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Discuss the field production of Tea.


Discuss the field production of Tea.



i) Biological requirements
- At least 1400mm rainfall per annum
- Altitude of 1900 – 2200m
- Soils should be well drained, fertile, deep slighly acidic.

ii) Land preparation
- Clear land well
- Remove all tree stumps to prevent almillaria
- Remove all parannial weeds
- Make cut off drains to divert storm water
- Terrace where land is steep
- Ring back trees six months before cutting

iii) Transplanting
- Dig holes 30 x 45cm
- Spacing of 1.2 x 0.9 m or 1.5 x 0.75m or 1.2 x 0.7m
- Plant when there is enough moisture in soil
- Apply phosphatic fertilizer in planting hole
- Apply shade when necessary
- Water when necessary
- Avoid planting in unusual places.

iv) Field management.
- Establish plucking table by frame formation or pegging
- Cutting back done after 4 years

v) Pests and diseases control
- Control pests e.g. black tea thrips using insecticides
- Control armillaria root not by proper seedbed preparation

vi) Harvesting
- By plucking two leaves and a bud every 10 days
- Keep plucked tea in the shade
- Take to factory on the same day.
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 06:08

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