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Discuss the field production of Coffee.


Discuss the field production of Coffee.



i) Ecological requirements
- Rainfall of 1500 – 2000 mm per year, which is well distributed
- Well drained, fertile, deep volcanic soils having 5.3 – 6.0 PH
- Altitude of 1400 – 2000m
- Prefers cloudy conditions so provide shade trees

ii) Land Preparation.
- Prepare land six months early
- Remove roots to prevent armillarial disease
- Carry out soil conservation e.g terracing
- Holes dug 3 months early
- Dimensions of holes are 60 x 60 x 60 cm
- Spacing at 2. X 2.7m or 1.3 x 1.3 m depending on a variety

iii) Transplanting
- Coffee is first planted in nurseries
- Transplant at onset of rains
- Holes reopened immediately before transplanting
- Spread roots well and place at same depth like in nursery or sleeves
- Apply mulch and fertilizers
- Water well after planting
- Provide shade.

iv) Field management
- Mulching at all stages to control weeds and water conservation
- Proper weed control by slashing, mechanically and use of herbicides
- Pruning by single or multiple stem facilitates picking, disease and pest disease and pest control, spraying of chemicals, avoids overbearing and die – back of roots and lateral buds.

v) Pests and diseases
- Major pests are leaf miner and antestia bug both controlled chemically and culturally
- Major coffee diseases are coffee berry disease (CBD) and leaf rust both controlled by applying fungicides and planting resistant varieties.

vi) Harvesting.
- Done by hand
- Pick only crops berries or cherries
- Deliver to factory some day
- Harvest early to avoid loss of fruit through pests and over-ripening (overripe as” MBUNI”)
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 06:11

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