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Discuss the field production of Pyrethrum.


Discuss the field production of Pyrethrum.



i) Biological factors
- At least 1000mm rainfall yearly
- Short period of dry weather for high quality
- Altitude of 1500 – 3000m
- Temperature of 15.5oC
- Fertile, well drained soils with good water retention and PH of 5.6

ii) Land preparation
- Early land preparation
- Eradication of perennial weeds e.g grasses
- Dig deep
- Make ridges 60 – 90cm apart
- Spacing of 90 x 60cm on ridges

iii) Selection of planting materials
- From high yielding mother plant
- Pest free
- Disease free
- Vigorous
- Use splits instead of roots

iv) Transplanting
- At the onset of the rains
- Dig holes 10 – 15 cm deep
- Add 1 teaspoonful of TSP i.e 15gm or 30g DSP
- Mix fertiliser with soil
- Place splits as they were in the nursery
- Fill soil bit by bit
- Firm the soil around the roots

v) Field practices.
- Weed using forked jembe
- Cutting back at end of dry period using sickle
- Crop rotation improves yield and prevents diseases

vi) Pests and diseases control
- Control root knot nematodes by crop rotation, soil fumigation, field hygiene and use of clean planting materials.
- Control pyrethrum thrips by insecticide spray
- Control red spider mites using appropriate chemicals

vii) Harvesting
- Starts 3 –4 months after transplanting
- Pick only flowers with horizontal ray forests
- Pick at intervals of 14-21 days
- Twist the flowers with fingers
- Use open or wooven baskets which are well ventilated to avoid fermentation
- Wet heads should not be picked
- Pick when the weather is dry
- Dry immediately after picking
- Do not press in the basket
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 06:12

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