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Discuss the management of beef cattle from birth until it is ready to be sold as steer.


Discuss the management of beef cattle from birth until it is ready to be sold as steer.



- As soon as the calf is born ensure that it is breathing e.g by tickling the nose with straw
- If not, help the calf to start breathing by applying artificial respiration method
- Remove any foreign bodies from the mouth and nostrils e.g mucus and phlegm
- Disinfect to avoid infection
- Ensure that the calf is licked dry by mother or wipe the calf clean
- Ensure that the suckles colostrum within the first 12 hours of birth by helping weak ones
- Leave the calf to stay with its dam to suckle milk at will
- Ensure that disowned calves are given to foster mothers or prepare artificial colostrum where a foster mother is not producing colostrum
- Wean the calf when 6-8 months old
- Separate weaners to graze on good quality pasture after weaning
- Spray calves up to weaning time after which they can be dipped to control external parasites
- Dehorn calves within first two weeks to 4 months
- Castrate bull calves not intended for breeding at weaning time i.e 6-8 months age
- Identify calves as early as possible after birth
- Separate castrated bulls from heifers at weaning time
- Give mineral supplements when necessary
- Deworm ewaners regularly to control internal parasites
- Give supplementary feed in dry seasons
- Provide adequate clean water
- Vaccinate calves and weaners against prevalent diseases
- Observe and treat sick animals
- Animals should be ready for market between 12-30 months depending on breed
- Keep appropriate records.
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 06:27

Next: Describe the preparations one would make before the arrival of day old chicks on the farm.
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