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Explain the management practices of a dairy calf from birth until it is ready for the first service.


Explain the management practices of a dairy calf from birth until it is ready for the first service.



- Clean mucus from the calf as soon as it is born or ensure cow licks its calf dry
- Ensure the calf is breathing or administer artificial respiration if necessary
- Cut and disinfect umbilical cord
- Ensure the calf suckles the mother within the first 8 hours to get colostrum
- Feed the calf on colostrum for the first 4-7days
- Keep records on the performance of the calf
- Introduce feeding of whole milk or milk replacer from the 4th day
- Feed the calf with warm milk upto weaning time
- Observe strict hygiene in the calf pen
- Protect the calf against adverse weather conditions e.g wind by providing housing
- Provide adequate clean water from the third week
- Introduce palatable dry foods e.g concentrates and good quality out grass from the third week
- Provide mineral supplements
- Keep calf in individual pens until it is 3-4 months
- Spray or dip the calf against external parasites
- Release the calf occasionally for exercise
- Wean the calf at 8 weeks or late weaning at 16 weeks
- Drench or deworm the calf against internal parasites
- Vaccinate calf against prevalent diseases
- Release the calf occasionally for exercise
- Wean the calf at 8 weeks or late weaning at 16 weeks
- Dehorn the calf using appropriate method
- Graze the calf on good quality pasture, preferably ahead of mature animals
- Separate heifer calves from bull calves at puberty to avoid inbreeding
- Remove extra teats if necessary
- Any change of feeding should be done gradually to avoid feeding disorders
- Serve at the right age i.e at 15-20 months of 250-280 kg live weight
- Treat against disease when sick
- Weigh the calf regularly
Kavungya answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 06:31

Next: List the limitation of zero grazing
Previous: Describe the management of a dairy cow from the time of conception until calving (gestation period)

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