-Cottage industry in which pots and flower vases are made using clay.
Its practised mainly in eastern and central provinces and by women.
Examples of areas are Kwale and Muranga.
Wood and Stone Carving
-Involves curving of wood and stone into various shapes of animals, humans, etc.
Wood carving is practised in Kitui and Machakos while soapstone (soft metamorphic rock) carving is done in Kisii.
Some products are sold locally while the rest are exported with some being bought by tourists as souvenirs (reminder).
-Involves using sisal, dry palm leaves dry papyrus, nylon fibres etc to make products such as baskets, mats, and fish traps etc.
Baskets mainly known as Ciondos are mainly done by Agikuyu women and are sold locally and to tourists.
Weaving is also practised along the coastal region where dry palm leaves are used to make baskets, mats, etc.
Other cottage industries are such as those making use of scrap metal to make metal boxes, wheel barrows, energy saving jikos, rain harvesting
marto answered the question on March 28, 2019 at 11:07
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