Chief Owour Kembo has only one wife Akoko,and they have three children,Obura, Nyabera and Owang Sino. This family although very small,".......the standards of time ,it is a close knit family,with the father standing resolutely between the world and his little band that everyone so longed to enlarge.''
The parents are very proud of their son Obura and have to restrain from talking about his amazing character.Their hearts smell with pride .They however spare no effort in ensuring that he grows up well disciplined .In fact they reprimand him more than any other child.
Owour Kembo and his wife Akoko relate very well and chief makes a habit of seeking advise from his wife. Owour " treated his wife like a queen and she did not fail him." Otieno Kembo on the other hand has a large but unhappy family.He marries four wives and begets eighteen children.The wives are described as 'shiftless'.
Otieno becomes dependent on his brother.And even though he has four wives,he desires his brothers's wife who seems to get younger every year instead of older. Otieno is said to treat his wives like sluts and they do not fail him.
Otieno is hated by his people and they are happy to inform the colonial administration of his many misdeeds.Of his many shortcomings,his worst is greed that causes him to steal not only his late brother's property but also his sister- in -laws personal wealth.
marto answered the question on July 4, 2017 at 05:03
- Violence is unacceptable in any society.With illustrations from Betrayal in the City,write a composition on violence(Solved)
Violence is unacceptable in any society.With illustrations from Betrayal in the City,write a composition on violence
Date posted: July 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- Betrayal in the city is a mockery of a civilized society.Using relevant illustrations,show what makes this play a satire.(Solved)
Betrayal in the city is a mockery of a civilized society.Using relevant illustrations,show what makes this play a satire.
Date posted: July 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- Making the right decision in life is very important.Making reference to Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle,Write a composition describing Grusha's decision -making moments.(Solved)
Making the right decision in life is very important.Making reference to Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle,Write a composition describing Grusha's decision -making moments.
Date posted: July 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- Those who live under despotic regimes suffer a lot of injustices.Making reference to Betrayal in the City, write a composition to show the validity of this statement.(Solved)
Those who live under despotic regimes suffer a lot of injustices.Making reference to Betrayal in the City, write a composition to show the validity of this statement.
Date posted: July 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Agents of change can either be from within or from without." Write an essay to how how true this statement is giving illustrations from The...(Solved)
"Agents of change can either be from within or from without." Write an essay to how how true this statement giving illustrations from The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- In dysfunctional governments, public officer seek ways of benefiting themselves rather than serving the state. Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city, show the truth of this statement.(Solved)
In dysfunctional governments, public officer seek ways of benefiting themselves rather than serving the state. Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city, show the truth of this statement.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on how Bertolt Bretch has used Satire to ridicule various institutions in society.(Solved)
Write an essay on how Bertolt Bretch has used Satire to ridicule various institutions in society.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Mediocrity can ruin a nation.With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the City,discuss the validity of this statement.(Solved)
Mediocrity can ruin a nation.With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the City,discuss the validity of this statement.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Traditions tell us what we can or cannot do all for the good and stability of society.Write an essay to show how far you agree with this proposition giving evidence from the River and the Source.(Solved)
Traditions tell us what we can or cannot do all for the good and stability of society.Write an essay to show how far you agree with this proposition giving evidence from the River and the Source.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Favoritism and nepotism are features of chaotic governments.Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city,show the truth of this statement.(Solved)
Favoritism and nepotism are features of chaotic governments.Drawing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city,show the truth of this statement.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Sometimes life can be full of contradictions.With illustrations from Bertolt Bretcht's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,show the truth of this statement.
Sometimes life can be full of contradictions.With illustrattions from Bertolt Bretcht's the Caucasian Chalk Circle,show the truth of this statement.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Illustrate on the major theme covered in the short story The Umbrella man by Siddhartha Gigoo in The Memories we lost.
Illustrate on the major theme covered in the short story The Umbrella man by Siddhartha Gigoo in The Memories we lost.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the synopsis of The Umbrella Man by Siddhartha Gigoo in The Memories We Lost(Solved)
Give the synopsis of The Umbrella Man by Siddhartha Gigoo in The Memories We Lost.
Date posted: June 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight on the themes evident in My Fathers Head by Okwiri Oduor in Memories we lost.
Highlight on the themes evident in My Fathers Head by Okwiri Oduor in Memories we lost.
Date posted: June 29, 2017.
- Highlight on the major theme in My father's head by Okwiri Oduor in The Memories we lost.(Solved)
Highlight on the major theme in My father's head by Okwiri Oduor in The Memories we lost.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write the synopsis of the short story,Memories we lost by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi.(Solved)
Write the synopsis of the short story,Memories we lost by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Terrible is the temptation to do good.With illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle,write a composition showing the truth of this statement.(Solved)
Terrible is the temptation to do good.With illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle,write a composition showing the truth of this statement.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- People still believe in the old mosaic law of 'eye for an eye '. Using illustrations from Francis Imbuga 'Betrayal in the city' ,write a composition highlighting instances of revenge in the play.(Solved)
People still believe in the old mosaic law of 'eye for an eye '. Using illustrations from Francis Imbuga' Betrayal in the city', write a composition highlighting instances of revenge in the play.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on the place and the role of the girl child giving illustration from The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.(Solved)
Write an essay on the place and the role of the girl child giving illustration from The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Betrayal is a central theme in Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city.Write a composition detailing how betrayal is brought out in the play.(Solved)
Betrayal is a central theme in Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the city.Write a composition detailing how betrayal is brought out in the play.
Date posted: June 28, 2017. Answers (1)