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Define the term communication


Define the term communication.



1. Communication is a dynamic interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and values. It is not passive and does not just happen; we actively and consciously engage in communication in order to develop the information and understanding required for effective group functioning. It is dynamic because it involves a variety of forces and activities interacting a period of time. The word ‘process’ suggests that communication exists as a flow through a sequence or series of steps. The term ‘process’ also indicates a condition of flux and change. The relationships of people engaged in communication continuously grow and develop.

2. Communication can also be understood as an exchange of meaning and understanding. Meaning is central to communication, and transmission of meaning is the central objective of communication.

3. Communication begins with the sender sending out message cues, which are perceived by the receiver who assigns meaning to them and responds to them as per the need. Communication can’t be complete unless the message sent by the sender is properly decoded at the receiver’s end and comprehended. Moreover, communication can be considered effective only when the receiver’s response is matching with the meaning the sender wanted to convey.

4. Communication: It is the process of expressing one’s ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressions, emotions, language, knowledge
etc. The process may involve transaction, exchange, and sharing

marto answered the question on March 29, 2019 at 11:01

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