- distortion
It occurs when the information is put in a form that the recipient cannot fully understand. It occurs either when encoding or decoding the message. Distortion leads to incorrect understanding of the message or only partial understanding of its meaning.
At the decoding stage, it maybe as a result of the recipient not paying enough attention or interprets the message in a way that the sender could not have anticipated.
- Inadequate communication skills
This occurs when the sender fails to possess the necessary communication skills. Messages may contain incorrect or incomplete information; they may be encoded in an inappropriate medium or channel language
They also include the ability to read the words as well as interpret the signs and symbols, such as body language.
Always check your message carefully before sending it, if it is in writing. Keep a mental note, or even keep notes, so as to be certain that the oral message is complete and delivered correctly.
-Faulty equipment
Both parties in the communication act need to check that all the equipment that they are using is functioning properly. For example, the mobile phone is properly powered.
- Psychological noise
This is the way we allow our personal feelings and attitudes to affect our judgment and our interpretation of the message.
marto answered the question on March 29, 2019 at 11:29
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List the categories of written communication.
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List the merits of Oral Communication.
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List the types of Oral Communication.
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Highlight the techniques to improve Oral Communication.
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Define the term communication.
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How culture in communication operates
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Describe how a good paragraph should look.
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