List the conditions for Tawba.


List the conditions for Tawba.



i. Giving up the sin immediately for the sake of Allah and not for any other reason i.e. one
should not stop doing wrong for fear of punishment from other people or being afraid of
what people will say.
ii. Feeling sorry and regretting for the sin committed, one should show remorse for the sin
committed. One should not be happy /pleased when remembering past sins or wish to go
back to it.
iii. The sins should not be repeated again i.e. one should resolve not to go back to the sin
again; one should have the intention and determination of never repeating the sin.
iv. Compensation and seeking forgiveness from the people who have been wronged e.g.
compensating the family of the person who has been killed and seeking their forgiveness.
v. Keep away from places of sin, if being there will make one fall into sin again.
vi. Keeping away from people who induced the committing of the sin if associating with them
will lead to repetition of the sin.
vii. Destroying haraam things/ items such as idols, intoxicants, indecent movies by breaking or
burning them (which led them to commit sin).
viii. Repentance should not be at the time of death i.e. a Muslim should not wait until he/she is
on the death bed to repent; repentance should be a daily affair.
ix. Repentance should not be done after one of the signs of the Day of Judgment becomes
manifested because the Prophet (s.a.w) said that repentance should be done before the
sun appears from the west.
Kavungya answered the question on March 29, 2019 at 12:38

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