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The definition of justice is determined by the needs of life.Show the truth of this statement making reference to the way Adzak makes a mockery of justice.


The definition of justice is determined by the needs of life. Show the truth of this statement making reference to the way Adzak makes a mockery of justice.



Justice in the Caucasian Chalk Circle is characterized by Adzak's dis graceful handling of the law,under which the poor came off well.The playwright not only shows that the law as it exists has to be bent if justice is to be done,but also shows how ,with a truly careless ignorant downright bad judge ,things can turn out alright for those who actually in need of justice. Adzak proceeds to give judgement on four very un usual cases.

Adzak is a corrupt judge.He begins all his cases by saying," I accept," meaning that he is willing to be bribed. Adzak demands bribes in the court from the rich and he comments that " it is good for justice to do it in the open" as he moves around in a caravan among the people .Everything he does or says satirizes the court system.He asks Grusha ,"you want Justice,but do you want to pay for it? When you go to the butcher,you know you have to pay".Out of Adzaks comic theater in the courtroom,he creates a crazy logic so that the people who need help get it, despite the law.The singer says that his balances were crooked.

The first case is between an invalid and a Doctor.The Invalid claims that he paid for the Doctor to study medicine and that he then had a stroke when he heard that the doctor was practicing for free.He blames the stroke on the Doctor and wants to be paid back the money he spent in getting the Doctor trained. Adzak rules that the invalid must pay 1000 piasters as a fine,but that the Doctor must treat him for free if he suffers a second stroke.In this case the judge fines the aggrieved party.
The case of the Blackmailer who demanded money from a land owner who had raped his niece.However ,the blackmailer refuses to divulge the name of the landowner.The blackmailer is required to pay the court half of his blackmailing fees since he would not give the landowners name .Adzak then advises the Blackmailer to study medicine.

The next case is that of an innkeeper who is bringing suit against his stableman,whom he claims raped his daughter -in -law,Ludovica.The innkeeper claims to have caught the stableman in the act. Adzak tries to get a bribe from the innkeeper by asking for a little roan,but the innkeeper refuses to pay him. Adzak then tells Shauwa to drop a knife which he makes Ludovica to pick up.He watches as her hips sway.He then says ,"The rape is now have raped that unfortunate man." Adzak then fines the innkeeper the little roan that he wanted and lastly takes Ludovica to the stables on concerns of investigating the rape issue.

The case of the Granny,an old peasant woman who has had several miracles occur.She claims that she was miraculously given a cow,that she had a ham fly into her house through a window,and that her landlord waved at her rent.The three farmers present also claim that Granny's brother in -law- has stolen a cow ,a ham,and killed the landlords's cattle until the rent was waived. Adzak rules in Granny's favor.
Adzak presides over Grusha's and Natella's case on who the real mother of the child is.He draws a chalk circle and orders the two,Grusha and Natella to pull Michael out of the Circle and whoever will pull first will be the mother,Grusha does not pull in the two attempts and when asked she says that she can not tear the child ,that it is better she lets Natella have him.Adzak judges fairly and gives the baby to Grusha because she raised him.

The other case is that of an old couple,who have been married for forty years.They claim they always dislike each other and now they want a divorce. Adzak tells them he will think about their request and then he returns to Grusha's case.However he 'mistakenly' divorces Grusha from Jussup instead of the old couple,thereby allowing her to marry Simon.
Judge Adzak dispenses Justice in a degenerate manner,he has the selfish ,immoral features and is one of the lowest judges there has been found.
marto answered the question on July 4, 2017 at 12:04

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