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'It is a changing world.' is a repeated phrase in The River and the Source.Using illustrations from the novel,show how the world is changing.


'It is a changing world.' is a repeated phrase in The River and the Source.Using illustrations from the novel,show how the world is changing.



Girls and daughters became valuable and voiced in the society.This has been seen in the likes of Elizabeth Awiti,Wandia and even Vera.At Awiti's time, bride price is reduced to a mere token.Women 's role and authority change,e.g. women preside over marriage proceedings,something which used to be done by men.
The colonial government /sirikal and askaris takes over the rule of the society replacing the chieftaincy after Akoko's complaint.She had taken a complaint to the Sirikal that her brother in-law Otieno had sat on the stool with glee and arrogance and that he had grabbed her late husbands wealth and her own personal wealth.Later,the Sirikal takes action and Otieno is removed from the stool and forced to return what he had taken from Akoko.
Kenya gains independence from the colonialists though through the hard way.Formal education and different specializations from teachers to doctors as opposed to keeping herds of cattle and agriculture.New religion /Christianity and a new way of dressing from believing in were /god to God.Use of Christian names and training of seminarians to priesthood.
Arranged marriages cease as people mix with other from the world beyond .Instead, individuals meet,fall in love ,court and eventually involve their families in formalizing the relationship.This transformed from traditional marriages to church weddings.Monogamy overtakes polygamy as it is only Otieno who has four wives in Akoko's lineage.In the generation of Aoro and Wandia,women even propose to men as Wandia, marriages go past Luo land to other tribes and as far as Canada.
marto answered the question on July 4, 2017 at 12:26

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