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Leaders of dictatorial regimes are characterized by weakness of character and are inept.Drawing illustrations from Boss's behavior,write a composition to explain this statement.


Leaders of dictatorial regimes are characterized by weakness of character and are inept.Drawing illustrations from Boss's behavior,write a composition to explain this statement.



As a way of hiding their weaknesses,leaders become dictatorial,heartless and oppressive.Boss is portrayed as one of the leaders who is weak,insecure and will do anything to remain in power even if it means being brutal to his citizens.

Boss keeps and uses spy's. He keeps Mulili, his cousin close to him and uses him to do his dirty assignments ,especially spying on people for him.By the time he realizes that he made a mistake trusting him too much,its too late. Mulili betrays him when the government is overthrown.

He makes rash decisions .After Mulili makes false allegations against Kabito,he issues express orders that Kabito be eliminated immediately.He orders that he be killed in a planned road accident.His insecurity makes a university student to be short dead in the process of demonstrating.An old couple is denied a chance of going on with the shaving ceremony for their late son.Boss sends Mulili with orders of stopping the shaving ceremony.He is afraid of the image he portrays to the public.At one time, Mulili finds him plucking gray hair from his head,afraid that his people will lose confidence in him once they notice he is growing old.
He lacks moral values.At one point in time it was reported that he tried to rape Regina at the palace.Regina jumped over a ten foot high window.He even went a head to have his wife locked up when she tried to question about the incident.
It is clear that Boss engages in bad governance and has no integrity to rule over others.
marto answered the question on July 4, 2017 at 12:48

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