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Bretch uses a number of key symbols that define the message of the play. Write a composition highlighting and discussing these symbols .


Bretch uses a number of key symbols that define the message of the play. Write a composition highlighting and discussing these symbols.



The playwright has used symbols in the play extensively.These symbols play a central role in passing the center message and are highlighted in this essay.

The Chalk Circle has been used as a symbol of truth,in which all will be revealed. Adzak is unable to decide who should have the child.Though his methods of justice are unconventional,by putting the women in a circle and observing them pull the child ,so that he sees which woman is best for it.The circle levels the playground removing the advantage of wealth or rank or family background.
The play similarly opens with another circle of justice,when the members of the two communities sit together to decide on who should have the valley.The delegate from the Government Reconstruction Commission ,Just announces the outcomes but does not push,He observes that within this friendly circle where the communities have equal social status,they can decide the best use of the valley and it is peacefully and mutually decided for the fruit growers.
Bretch also uses the wheel of Fortune brought about by the singer in scene two.He sings about the down fall of Governor George Abashwilli,who was so secure in his power and assumed he would always have it.This wheel of change is always turning and it celebrates the historical contention where the centre of power is always shifting from one group of people to another.
Christianity has symbolically been used in the play to critisise religion.During Easter Sunday the governor is murdered.The fact that the Fat prince is the Governor's brother brings to mind the Biblical story of Cain and Abel,At this time too,Simon and Grusha get engaged and he gives her a cross that belonged to his mother and asks her to wait for him.The cross symbolizes a true marriage.Later the sacrament of marriage is made a joke when Grusha is forced into marrying Jussup,and he crudely tells her the purpose of marriage is for her to serve him in bed and in the fields.
When Grusha flees with Michael to the mountains ,she finally decides he belongs to her and performs a baptism,saying:" I 'll wash you and christen you with Glacier water "This act stands for a strong bond between Grusha and the child.

In conclusion the Chalk Circle,the wheel of fortune and the christian symbols are used t highlight on the major theme in the play

marto answered the question on July 4, 2017 at 13:18

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