1.competition- the organization is often surrounded by similar organizations which pose competition especially in market.
2.customers- these are the people who demand the goods and services of the company thus they also affect decision making.
3.suppliers- these are other organizations which avail the required materials and services for the smooth running of the company.
4.regulators- includes authorized bodies which govern some of the activities that the organization does.
5.technological dimension- it is always a changing environment and the organization needs to be updated on the current technology at hand in relation to its activities.
6.political-legal dimension- it is an environment which includes the government and how its decisions can affect the organization.
7.social-cultural dimension- the environment portrays how the social nature and culture of the demographic sector in the location of the organization can affect their decisions like on the products and services to produce.
Erwoti answered the question on August 19, 2019 at 13:13
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