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However progressive may seem,we are never very far away from our traditions.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the city,write a composition to validate this statement.


However progressive may seem,we are never very far away from our traditions.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the city,write a composition to validate this statement.



Traditions are part and parcel of our society.We may progress in many areas of life but we are not able to ignore our way of life.In Betrayal in the city,some cultural practices are central to the community that provides the setting of this play.

After the burial of Adika,a shaving ceremony has to be conducted to appease the spirits of the dead.These spirits may turn wild with anger if the ceremony is not performed. Even if Adika was a university student, the shaving ceremony has to conducted.

Tradition condemns the shedding of a kinsman's blood.The killer of a kinsman will be haunted by the spirit of the dead.In the play,Adika 's killers follow him to the grave to try to symbolically burn his spirit to rid themselves of possible haunting.They even leave three silver coins on the grave . Doga talks to Adika's spirit at the grave ,telling him to follow the killers up the hills and down the valleys.

Children must respect all parents and all elders in the community.In Doga's words,a child of his age-mate should not look him in the eye. He says that he shared the same knife with Kaleka, Jere's father. This is probably what makes him support Doga's en devour to conduct the ceremony.

They believe in curses.Nina says that should the people harm Jusper, she will raise a curse upon the whole clan.Also,the youth who disrespect the old may be cursed by the parents act of stripping naked in front of them.In Nina's words, she says that her nakedness will blind them. Mulili, who is not a member of this community 'does not care.

Cultural practices cannot therefore be ignored. They form the basis upon which a community hinges its values and provides explanations for people's behavior.
marto answered the question on July 5, 2017 at 07:23

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