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Some people in the society seem to have adopted a lonely,unhappy life.How is that brought out in the story,The Mirror in When the sun goes down and other stories .


Some people in the society seem to have adopted a lonely,unhappy life.How is that brought out in the story,The Mirror in When the sun goes down and other stories .



In the story,this is clearly brought out through the narrator.
We are told that the narrator experiences something scaring but he does not share that with anyone.

The narrator refuses to go to college.........He says that he was not sure if that was the right choice or not.......He hardly seeks advice or share with anyone.

We are told he wanders all over Japan.......indicating his lack of vision and direction.He does not seek guidance.

The narrator is generally unhappy with himself.He does no dialogue with anyone and does not even give a reader an opportunity to question him or get too deep into his life experiences.

The narrator also seems to be experiencing an internal conflict.His experience during that windy night when he sees his reflection at the mirror tells his lonely nature.He is not sure of who he is .In all these he is alone in the dead of the dead of the night.He seems to lead a solitary life devoid of the joy and experiences of the youth.
marto answered the question on July 5, 2017 at 07:50

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