a)quoting (using the exact words of another),
This refers to using exact word of another person. Use the quotation marks around the quoted words and properly cites the sources. If you use your own words to the quoted texts you must use your own words to the quoted texts.
Example: Short quote.
D’Angero (1980:63) in expressing the complexity involved in organizing ideas in an essay states that 'the labour of composition begins when you have to put separate threads of thought into the loom.'
Example: Long quote.
Organization of ideas in an essay often presents itself as one of several types of problems that face students in their efforts to produce effective writing. Clunchy and Ballard (1992:1) have this to say about it to the student writer:
Certainly you will with time and experience become proficient in such skills as interpreting topics ··· mastering academic language and presentation. But the central intellectual struggle to shape your thoughts into a coherent whole will remain as demanding as it seemed when you were faced with your first assignment
b) paraphrasing
Paraphrasing means using the ideas of another in your own words. This is acceptable as long as the meaning is not changed and the originator is accredited with a citation. The paraphrase must be accurate and the source properly cited. It involves more than rearranging the order of words or changing the minor elements of a passage. It is advisable that you read the original material without looking at it , and then rewrite the content using your own words. The paraphrase is followed by a statement giving credit to the original author.
Guidelines to Paraphrasing
1. Read the original and make sure you fully understand it.
2. Try to restate (without looking at the original) the general meaning.
3. Reread the original one more time to ensure you have included all important information in the same tone.
4. Revise the paraphrase as needed. (Add transitional words or phrases so it flows smoothly).
Summarizing requires condensing a significant amount of someone work into shorter statements or paragraphs. This is acceptable as long as the meaning is not changed and the originator is given proper credit with a citation. As with paraphrasing, you read the originator information and then you try to condense it.
The ability to relate one's own work to existing knowledge is a skill that needs to be mastered by every student. This is done by acknowledging all the sources of information in the text of your assignments and providing a list of these sources at the end in the form of a bibliography or reference list in the specific style that is prescribed by your lecturer.
If this is not done correctly, it may give the impression that you are trying to pass off the work of another as your own and you may be accused of committing plagiarism which is a serious offence.
marto answered the question on April 2, 2019 at 06:07
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