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Write an essay on the role of tradition giving illustrations from Ihimaera's The Whale Rider


Write an essay on the role of tradition giving illustrations from Ihimaera's The Whale Rider



It is clear that Boss engages in bad governance and has no integrity to rule over other.His nepotistic tendencies and his feeling of insecurity make him a person who is not worthy to be a head of state.

Traditions determine relationships between individual and their communities, people and their environment as well as the place and role of individuals in the society.
In this society,leadership roles are a presence for men.It passes from one male to another male descent.For this realm,it is always hoped that the first born child of the heir apparent will be son.

Child naming is also determined not just by one's gender but also the role one can be expected to play in society. Koro is really upset when Nani name Kahu after great ancestor Kahutia Te Rangi. To Koro, naming a girl after Kahutia show disrespect.

Nani gets Kahu's birth cord burried in the village to symbolise Kahu's connection with her people. In Nani's view, Kahu belongs to her father's people.

Traditions and culture are passed down from one generation to another in instruction sessions.

The people have a relationship with sea animals.For example,a stranded whale is seen as a gift from the gods.They make offerings to the sea god whenever they need help or just in thanksgiving. They do not carry food when they go fishing.Fishing is a sacred task.

In this society, individuals have specific roles to play. Koro, for example is viewed as an old whale "...........has a role in the pattern of things in the tides of the future".
marto answered the question on July 5, 2017 at 08:08

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