1. a) This book was too good to be attributed to a female author/the field of
science was Virtually closed to women/this was because the book was very good, it couldn’t have been written by a woman. (2mks)
b) In France, women were at least allowed to venture into the field of science but were denied space to excel. In England, however, they were totally prohibited from all scientific pursuits. (if only one part of the answer comes out, give 1 mark)
c) Perhaps, not surprisingly, the one woman who crashed the barriers erected Against her gender was an Italian, Laura Bassi. /perhaps not surprisingly,
The barriers erected against her gender were an Italian, Laura Bassi. / Not surprisingly perhaps, the one woman who crashed the barriers erected against her Gender was an Italian, Laura Bassi/Not surprisingly perhaps, the one woman who crashed the barriers erected against her gender was an Italian, Laura Bassi. (Comma missing, penalize ½ mark)
d) A professor was expected to lecture on regular basis (1mark ) pursue his or her Studies (1 mark) and conduct research. (1mark) and have a say over her schedule (1 marks) (any 3x1 mark = 3 marks)
e) They paraded her to visiting scholars like a prized commodity. /they wer using her to impress visiting scholars. (2 mks)
- She began offering private lessons in experimental physics
- She began championing Newtonian physics at a time when it was relatively new in Italy
- She corresponded with the leading physicists of the time. Thus, she broke the restrictions placed upon her, /she promoted Newton’s findings about gravity even in the face of wide-spread resistance. (3mks)
g) It is to show that she led a normal life as expected of a woman by society. (1mk) but still to her credit, managed extraordinary accomplishments in the field of science. (2mks)
The big number of children demonstrates how extraordinary she was if she managed to bring up such a family (1mk) and still excel in scholarship beyond all expectations. (2mks)
The contrast must be brought out in each case
Award 1 mark if only one part comes out.
h) Erudite- Knowledge /expertise
To a degree- to some extent
Find herself at home- excel in something/develop expertise in an area/ be comfortable or at ease in discipline (3mks)
marto answered the question on April 2, 2019 at 07:31
- Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow(Solved)
Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:
The poor man knows not how to eat with a rich man.
When they eat fish, he eats the head.
Invite a poor man and he rushes in
Licking his lips and upsetting the plates.
The poor man has no manners; he comes along with the blood of lice under his nails.
The face of a poor man is lined
From hunger that thirst in his belly.
Poverty is no state for any mortal man.
It makes him a best to be fed on grass.
Poverty is unjust. If it befalls a man,
Though he is nobly born, he has no power with God.
(Anonymous from Swahili poetry by L. Harries)
a) What evidence is there to show that this is an oral poem? Identify and illustrate any two such features. (4 marks)
b) Describe a probable situation in which such a poem could be performed
(3 marks)
c) If you were to do a solo performance of this oral poem, what element would you emphasize? (6 marks)
d) What does the phrase --- 'with the blood of lice under his nails' reveal about the poor man? (2 marks)
e) Describe with illustrations the tone of this poem. (3 marks)
f) Explain the meaning of the following
i) He eats the head
ii) He has no power with God
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:(Solved)
Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:
One hand cannot manage work
A threshing stick cannot thresh millet with one hand.
Some hands breed hatred at the eating time
Nobody hates being assisted.
Let millet be threshed
Let it be threshed, let it be threshed
Cut a threshing stick for me
A lazy wife
Is taken back to her parents
When the rain fails
It blames the wind
And a lazy woman
Blames the threshing stick
Cut a threshing stick for me -ii
My co-wife cut me a threshing stick
You woman, owner of this occasion
Remember that work is the stomach
Take care not to starve us
The threshing sticks are sounding
Let the millet leave the threshing ground.
(Adapted from oral literature of the Embu and Mbeere by Ciarunji Chesaina)
a) What kind of oral poem is this? (3 marks)
b) Identify and illustrate the oral features of this poem. (6 marks)
c) What does this poem tell us about the role and place of women in this society? (4 marks)
d) According to this poem, which moral values were emphasized in this community? (3 marks)
e) Explain the meaning of the following lines
i) Some hands breed hatred at eating time.
ii) Remember that work is the stomach (4 marks
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
The owner of yam peels his yam in the house:
A neighbour knocks at the door.
The owner of yam throws his yam in the bedroom:
The neighbour says, 'I just heard
A sound, Kere Kere, that's why I came.
'The owner of yam replies,
'That was nothing, I was sharpening two knives.
'The neighbour says again, 'I still heard
Something like bi sound behind your door.
The owner of yam says,
'I merely tried my door with a mallet.
'The neighbour says again,
'What about this huge fire burning on your hearth?'
The fellow replies,
'I am merely warming water for my bath.
'The neighbour persists,
'Why is your skin all white, when this is not the Harmattan season?
The fellow is ready with his reply,
"I was rolling on the floor when I heard of the Agadapidi."
The owner of yam starts to shout,
There cannot be peace.
Unless the owner of food is allowed to eat his food!'
(Yoruba, Nigerian. Translated by ULLI BEIER) From Sunburst. Edited by lan Gordon)
a) What is this poem about? (2 marks)
b) How do we know that the neighbor is not convinced by the owner of yam's explanations? (3 marks)
c) Which character traits are revealed about the owner of yam? (4 marks)
d) Identify the features of this poem that indicate that it is an oral poem
(4 marks)
e) Why do you think the owner of yam begins to shout? (3 marks)
f) What features of oral performance would you emphasis in delivering the last speech of the owner of yam? (4 marks
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- (a) What is a riddle? (3 marks)
(b) i) State one riddle in mother tongue or Kiswahili and provide the
English translation. (2 marks)
Explain the imagery in...(Solved)
(a) What is a riddle? (3 marks)
(b) i) State one riddle in mother tongue or Kiswahili and provide the
English translation. (2 marks)
Explain the imagery in the solution to your riddle (2 marks)
c) Describe the stages in a riddling session (5 marks)
d) Who is the audience in a riddling session? (2 marks)
e) State any four functions of fiddles (2 marks)
f) Distinguish between a riddle and a puzzle (2 marks)
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
Nyasaye (God) wanted to put a stop to the rampages of death-death which claims the lives of everyone
Young and old
Boys and girls
Men and women
Strangers and kinsmen;
Death which kills
The innocent and the guilty
Chiefs and their subjects
The healthy and the sick
The wise and the foolish.
So one day he sent a servant to earth with a message for all his people. 'send me an offering of fresh, untainted fat,' he ordered. 'It should be as clean and sparkling as the moon.'Hearing this, the people slaughtered a goat, removed its pure white fat, and placed it in a clay dish overspread with fine fresh leaves.
Now they summoned Ngo’ngruok, also known as Haniafu the Chameleon, and ordered him to take their offering to Nyasaye. They also fashioned a long pole that reached up to heaven where Nyasaye dwells in his glory. This was the path Ng’ongruok would follow when carrying their offering.
But Ng’onguruok accidentally soiled the fat with his clumsy feet, and on his arrival before Nyasaye, presented a dirty and unsightly offering. Nyasaye was furious and rejected it, shouting: 'tell the people of earth that because of this insult they must continue to die, just as their ancestors have done!'
Ng’ongruok descended from heaven delivered Nyasaye’s message, and returned the offering to the people. Ever since then, alas death has continued to ravage human beings. For his clumsiness, Ngo’ngruok was cursed by the people. Hence, he must always walk on all fours, and his steps must be hesitant and slow. That is why you will always see him carrying one leg raised from the ground as he tries to decide exactly where to tread.
(Adapted from: keep my words by B. Onyange-gutu and A.A Roscoe)
i) What would you do in order to capture the audience’s attention before you begin to tell this story? (2mks)
…………………………………………………………ii) Explain two ways in which you would make the narration of lines 20 to 23 of the story effective (4mks)
iii) Mention two ways in which you would know that you audience in this story is fully participating in the performance. (4mks)
b) For each of the words below write another word that is pronounced in the same way.
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the story below and answer the questions that follow(Solved)
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow
Once upon a time, there lived a young woman who ran away from home to secretly marry her warrior lover out in the wilderness. The warrior directed the young woman to a place in the forest where he would meet her. He said to her, 'When you get to a fork along the path take the right path.' Then the warrior went ahead to await her arrival in the forest.
The young woman took off, and when she got to the fork that the warrior had mentioned, she followed the left path, forgetting which path the warrior had instructed her to follow.
As the girl walked on, she came upon an ogre who said to her, 'hey, young woman where are going? Do you have anything to say now that I’m going to eat you?' the girl answered in song
Not here my dear
Let us go to the water hole
Where you can eat me
And have a drink
Oh my dear warrior, where was it?
And so it happened that this was very bushy country. The ogre led the young woman on, and when they got to another spot, he said to her, ' I am now going to eat you here.' The girl broke into song, urging him not to eat her.
They went further, and the young woman kept hoping that the warrior would hear her voice. As they walked on, the ogre asked the young girl: ' shall I eat you hear'The girl sang again
Not here my dear
Let us go to the water hole
Where you can eat me
And have a drink
Oh dear warrior, where was it?
But the warrior had still not heard her. When they got to a cave by a river, the ogre collected branches and leaves on which to place the young woman’s flesh after he had slaughtered her. When he brought one type of leaf, the girl objected to having her flesh laid on ordinary leaves preferring the sweet- scented leaves of the Matasia plant. The ogre brought another kind of leaf nut the girl also rejected it, until eventually the sweet- smelling leaves of Matassia plant were brought. When the ogre asked the girl whether those were the right type of leaves, she said: Yes, these are the ones.' The ogre then laid the leaves down on the ground and lit a big fire. All this while, the girl was continuously singing the same song.
Just when the ogre was about to jump on the young woman, the warrior suddenly emerged from the bush. The young woman said to the ogre, 'It is now your skinny flesh that will be laid on those leaves.' The warrior killed the ogre and placed him on the bed of leaves and took the girl away. And that is the end of the story.
(Adopted from 'a young woman and an ogre' in Oral Literature of the Maasai, by
Naomi Kipury. Nairobi: EAEP 1983)
i. If you were performing this story, how would you say the words of the warrior? ( 1 mark)
ii. What could the warrior lover have done to improve on his giving of directions ( 1 mark)
iii. How would you deliver the first speech of the ogre?( 2 mks)
iv. The song is sung for both the ogre and the warrior lover. How would you perform it to show this? ( 2 mks)
v. As the story teller, how would you say the sentence: ' just when the ogre was about to jump on the young woman, the warrior suddenly emerged from the bush.' ( 2 mks)
vi. How do you think the audience would react when the warrior lover rivers? ( 1 mark)
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- The following is a conversation between a father and his daughter. Identify eight shortcomings in the father’s listening skills(Solved)
DAUGHTER: (shortly having arrived home from school) Good afternoon,
FATHER: (Sitting complacently in the sofa, reading a newspaper. Looking up…..) Good afternoon (Resumes reading)
DAUGHTER: (Holding out her school report form) Daddy, I’m excited. My teacher said I was the best improved. I was………..
FATHER: Oh, you were? Me, I used to be number one. I was absolutely unbeatable.
DAUGHTER: Chemistry has been a particular headache ( now looking at the report form which she thought her father would want to see), but this time…….
FATHER: (Stretching his arms, looking preoccupied)
Chemistry for me was particular easy.
I never scored anything less than 90%
DAUGHTER: Dad, I was going to tell you that this time…….
FATHER: (Absent minded) by the way, where is your mum?
DAUGHTER: Mum is in the garden picking vegetables. But dad, you’re not listening to my story. I was telling you about Chemistry
FATHER: You mean you have a story about chemistry? Chemistry is not about stories. It is hard science.
DAUGHTER: It’s about my improvement……..
FATHER: (laughing) me, it wasn’t matter of improvement. I was always at the top of the class
DAUGHTER: Daddy, I give up. You’re not listening
FATHER: (looking surprised) Listening? I heard you: you were talking about improvement in chemistry, weren’t you?
DAUGHTER: anyway, Dad. Thank you for paying attention. Enjoy your newspaper.
FATHER: Oh yes, I’m reading an interesting story about politics
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Suppose you were asked to make a speech at a friend’s graduation party. What would you do to capture the audience attention?(Solved)
Suppose you were asked to make a speech at a friend’s graduation party. What would you do to capture the audience attention?
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- In the words given below, underline the part that should be stressed
i. Suc.cess
ii. ad.vice
iii. Chal.lenge
iv. ob.serve(Solved)
In the words given below, underline the part that should be stressed
i. Suc.cess
ii. ad.vice
iii. Chal.lenge
iv. ob.serve
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Identify and number any five pairs of words that are pronounced the same
Plane Mad Plain ...(Solved)
Identify and number any five pairs of words that are pronounced the same
Plane Mad Plain Mourn
Burrow cat Berry Mud
Bury You Bred cut
Pull Father Pool Ewe
Bread Moan Fool Farther
Further See Full Sea
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following oral chant and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following oral chant and then answer the questions that follow.
Rain Making Litany
(Reciter) (Respondent)
We overcame this wind We overcome
We desire the rain to fall, that it may be poured in
showers quickly Be poured
Ah! True rain, I adjure thee fall, if thou rainest, it is well It is well
A drizzling confusion Confusion
If it rains and our food ripens, it is well It is well
If the children rejoice, it is well It is well
If the children rejoice, it is well It is well
If it rains, it is well. If our women rejoice, it is well It is well
If the young mending, it is well It is well
A drizzling confusion
If our grain ripens it is well It is well
If our women rejoice, It is well
If the children rejoice It is well
If the young men sing It is well
If the aged rejoice It is well
An overflowing in the granary Overflowing
May our grain fill the granaries May it fill
A torrent in flow A torrent
If the wind veers to the south, it is well It is well
If the rain veers to the south, it is well It is well.
a) (i) Identify three aspects of oral performance that make this chant
easy to remember. (3 marks)
(ii) In what ways would this chant be made interesting to listen to? (3 marks)
(iii) What preparations do you think a narrator would make to ensure that the audience listens to and participates in the performance of the chant?
(4 marks)
(b) You are going to take part in a debate. Explain how you would deal with fear and anxiety associated with public speaking of this kind. (6 marks)
(c) Classify the words below according to the sound of the underlined 'ch' letters. represented has been given.
(3 marks)
Champagne Charm
Church champagne
(d) The underlining indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Briefly explain what each sentence means. (3 marks)
(i) I wrote the love poem for you.
(ii) I wrote the love poem for you.
(iii) I wrote the love poem for you.
(e) Shouting and screaming from your class disrupted the other students during study time. As the class monitor, you have been called by the teacher on duty to her office to give an explanation. Complete the conversation below by filling in the blank spaces.
Teacher: You are the class monitor of Form Two East, aren't you?
You: …………………………………………… (1 mark)
Teacher: Why was your class shouting and screaming?
You: I am not sure, madam. The noise started at the back of the
Teacher: ……………………..................................... (1 mark)
You: You see madam, I sit at the front of the classroom and by the time I turned to look, the boys at the back were already on top of the desks and some were trying to jump out of the window.
Teacher: ……………………..................................... (1 mark)
You: I ran out, madam!
Teacher: ……………………..................................... (1 mark)
You: I am sorry madam, but it seemed like there was great danger in the middle of the class. I had to run for my life.
Teacher: When the noise subsided, what did you find out?
You: …………………………………………… (1 mark
Teacher: A snake?
You: …………………………………………… (1 mark)
Teacher: Whose toy snake was it?
You: …………………………………………… (1 mark)
Teacher: You can go now, but I will need to know whose toy snake it was.
You: …………………………………………… (1 mark
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.(Solved)
Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
There was time when telecommunication 1………………Africa was nearly non-existent. With the 2……………of one or two more developed nations, most African countries
3 …………… infrastructure and telephony was out of reach for 4………………. of the population. But mobile telephony has 5……………. a lot of that and has demonstrated Africa’s 6……………. to leap-frog older technologies with new ones more 7…………. to the environment.
Telecommunication in Africa is growing 8………….. there is room for improvement and development. A number of new networks 9………. coming up all over the continent and the African telecommunication market is growing 10………. The driver of this growth? Mobile telephony.
(Adapted from African Business, May 2004)
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word(Solved)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word
Good conversationalists are not born that way. They 1 ……………………… their skills through patience, preparation and practice 2…………………….. a long period of time. Some people find it 3……………………. To talk than others, but do not confuse talk with conservation that is, good conversation.
There are all kinds of conversations, 4 ………………………….. from poor to excellent. Unfortunately, some of the worst conversations come from those who find it easiest to talk. 5………………………….the very ease with which some people talk make them 6……………………… to what they say and unaware that they may say 7……………………………… much.
It lies within the power of each one of us develop quality in our conversational ability. However, one has to take some 8……………… you may need to force yourself to take part in conversations, even though you have 9………………… to contribute at first. If you cannot talk listen. If you cannot talk, listen. If you don’t understand, ask questions. Secondly, enlarge your storehouse of knowledge every day. Never let a day go 10………………… without learning something new: talk more with people; read; listen to the radio; watch television; be more observant of everything and everybody around you; travel as much as you can; start a hobby or two develop common interests with friends and classmates.
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word(Solved)
Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word (10 mks)
By far the 1....... obstacle to success, in my view, is poor understanding of people. Most careers 2.......working with other people. You can have great academic intelligence 3......... still lack social intelligence the ability to be 4 .....good listener, to be sensitive 5 ......others, to give and take criticism well.
If people do not like you, they may help you fail. On the other hand, you can get 6 .......with serious mistakes if you are socially intelligent. How are you when it comes to working with people? Are you genuine and authentic, or do you 7 ........put up a front? Do you listen to 8 .........or do you most of the talking? Do you expect everyone else to conform to your wishes, your schedule, and your agenda, or do you look for ways to meet people on their 9 ........? If you haven’t learnt to get along with people, you will always be fighting a battle to succeed. 10 ........making people-skill a strength will always be fighting a battle to succeed. 10 ........making people –skills a strength will take you farther than any other skill you develop
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.(Solved)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
If our skins were to be complainants in a court of law, they would 1……………... us of committing all manner of dermatological crimes 2……………… them. And they would have legitimate grounds to do so. They would, for instance, argue that some of us assault them with bleaching creams, all in an 3 ............. to make our complexions look much 4........... They would produce exhibits of ugly 5.............. left behind by the hazardous substances. In addition, some would recount how we usually 6................. them to layers of irritating anti-ageing creams without consulting them. They would be 8 .......... that would object to continually being plastered with choking substances meant to eliminate non-existent pimples.
In closing, our skins would submit that they have suffered gross skin abuse in our hands 9 ..................... hope that the judge would find us 10 .............. as charged
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- You have lost your luggage on your way back to school. You decide to report the matter to the nearest police station. Below is part...(Solved)
You have lost your luggage on your way back to school. You decide to report the matter to the nearest police station. Below is part of the conversation between you and the police officer at the reporting desk. Fill in the other part. (Read through the conversation first before writing your responses).
You: …………………………………………………………………
Police Office: (Interrupting) Easy. I am sorry about what happened but before you go into the lost items, please give me your full name and address.
(2 mks)
Police Officer: That is good. Now go ahead and tell me what happened, without leaving out any important details.
You:…………………………………………………………………… (3 mks)
Police Officer: From which schools are the students who alighted before you? You see, it is possible that your box was off loaded from the bus by mistake especially because another box that nearly resembles yours was left behind.
You:……………………………………………………(2 mks)
Police Officer: Good. At least that is a starting point; we will get the box from
the bus then go to that school to make inquiries.
You:…………………………………………………… (1 mk)
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- You are the chairperson of your school’s Wildlife Conservation Association (WICA). Your group has just come back from a visit to a national park in...(Solved)
You are the chairperson of your school’s Wildlife Conservation Association (WICA). Your group has just come back from a visit to a national park in a neighboring country.
Write a report to the patron of WICA about the trip. In your report indicate what you accomplished, the problems you experienced and what cautionary measures you would take during trips.
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- You are secretary of the drama club in your school. The chairperson has asked you send out a notice of the second meeting to plan...(Solved)
You are secretary of the drama club in your school. The chairperson has asked you send out a notice of the second meeting to plan the staging of shake spear’s play, The Merchant of Venice. During the meeting, you will need to appoint the director of the play, set up a date for selecting the cast, discuss the budget for the play, and the dates of rehearsals and the final performance. (20 mks)
a) Write the notice of this meeting which you would send to the members of the drama club.
b) Write the agenda that you would attach to the notice.
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- You are waiting to join college after your KCSE examination. While reading a newspaper, you see an advertisement for a volunteer worker at a children’s...(Solved)
You are waiting to join college after your KCSE examination. While reading a newspaper, you see an advertisement for a volunteer worker at a children’s home. Write a letter of inquiry to the manager. Express your interest and inquire if they will pay any allowances and whether they can provide accommodation. Remember to quote the reference number of the advertisement
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Paraphrase the poem below.
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree.
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Paraphrase the poem below.
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree.
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had ruled.
Date posted: March 30, 2019. Answers (1)