City life.
1. Mood: Solemn – 'No hope for us – death awaits – mourns their plight.
Angry / Agitated - about the level of exploitation in the city.
2. (a) Repetition - Back and forth, to work __ emphasizes the monotony
and oppressiveness / humanizing conditions of the work; have no say ____ treated as robots.
b) Image of the fisherman hooked. He is insensitive
'like fishes similarly the factory owners have the lives of the workers at their mercy; dangle the pay (meagre) as carrot (bait)
c) Irony
Line 1. The poet refers great city exploitation. _ to a yet it .breeds suffering /
3. The persona views the city as an "enticing death trap which attracts people there but milks their labour leaving them to die slowly.
4. Pained expression on the face the persona is annoyed about the plight of the workers in the factory. This should be evident on the face.
5. Something malignant is dangerous or can cause death e.g.. a malignant type of cancer, similarly the malignant fisherman gives idea of an employer who exploits the workers (in the city) and leaves them for death.
The comparison is apt of: Benign Form of ailment
marto answered the question on April 2, 2019 at 07:58