Why are songs and dances important in traditional African communities?


Explain why songs and dances are important in traditional African communities.



(i) Songs are used to announce important occasions.

(ii) They express individual and communal feelings.

(iii) They provide opportunities for people to expose and promote their talents.

(iv) They are used to drive out evil spirits.

(v) They rejuvenate strength and courage.

(vi) They are means of entertainment and recreation.

(vii) They are used to honour heroes and heroines.

(viii) They are used to welcome people into full membership of the community.

(ix) They remind people of their past history.

(x) They are used to praise and thank God for His blessings.

(xi) They provide an opportunity for people to interact with one another.

(xii) They express gratitude to spirits and ancestors.

(xiii) They foster unity and solidarity among members.

(xiv) They link people with the spiritual world.

(xv) They provide education on moral values.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 5, 2017 at 14:22

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