What factors may the Mombasa county government consider before spending county Funds?


Explain factors that the Mombasa county government may consider before spending county Funds.



(i) County expenditure must be approved by the county assembly to avoid embezzlement and misuse.

(ii) Proper financial management.

(iii) County funds should be well managed through maintenance of proper records and auditing as required.

(iv) Economy.

(v) County expenditure must be incurred in the most economical way by avoiding any possible waste from occurring.

(vi) Maximum social benefit.

(vii) Any county expenditure must be incurred in such a way that majority of people are able to reap maximum benefit out of it.

(viii) Flexibility.

(ix) County expenditure should be adaptable to any future unforeseen occurrence and economics situations in the county.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 6, 2017 at 06:05

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