What factors may undermine the administration of justice in Kenya?


Explain eight factors that may undermine the administration of justice in Kenya.



i) The high incident of crime cause delay in the hearing and finalizing of cases

ii) Corrupt practices by some of the judiciary personnel and police officers undermine fair administration of justice,

iii) Political interference - some suspected criminals may be freed on orders from above without following the laid down procedure

iv) Lack of awareness by the general public on their rights and legal procedures,

v) Inadequate personnel and equipment for detecting and investigation acts of crime - this may lead to inadequate evidence against acts of crime

vi) Some of the laws are too colonial/foreign to be relevant to the Kenya context,

vii) Unwillingness of some members of the public to give information and also acts as a witness,

viii) Use of outdated customary laws that have not been harmonized with the current situation makes their proper interpretation difficult

ix) Poverty makes it difficult for some people to hire professional services of lawyers/advocates,

x) Miscarriages of constitutional privileges
johnmulu answered the question on January 24, 2017 at 06:45

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