What was the significance of Abraham's circumcision to his descendants?


Explain the significance of Abraham's circumcision to his descendants.



(i) They were to inherit blessings from God by undertaking it.

(ii) It was a sign that confirmed God's continued protection.

(iii) It was to be a sign of obedience to God's teachings.

(iv) Circumcision was a mark of membership into the Jewish community.

(v) It was an external sign of the covenant that Abraham had made with God.

(vi) It was to serve as an outward sign of inner faith.

(vii) It was to act as a reminder of the covenant terms.

(viii) Through it Abraham's descendants were to be identified as a special race, chosen by God.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 7, 2017 at 09:34

Next: How was the origin of circumcision for Abraham and his descendants?
Previous: What is the difference between the Jewish circumcision and the traditional practice?

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