(a) and (b) IMAGINATIVE COMPOSITION (Compulsory)
Marking problem script
1. Irrelevancy
(a) Consistent distortion of question, evasion of question, writing on totally different subject with a clumsy attempt at connecting
the essay to the subject given, inclusion of memorized passages etc.
(b) The question is given an unacceptable or questionable interpretation.
(c) Essay contains long, semi-relevant digressions or lack of coherence.
The examiner must mark the essay and give a linguistic mark then comment on the nature of irrelevancy.
Deduct up to 4 marks for each irrelevant essay.
2. Brevity
It should be remembered that the main quality of an essay is how effectively it communicates. If an essay looks too short, the
examiner should count the number of words. If the essay is shorter than half the length specifies, a 2 mark penalty should apply
whatever the quality of the essay presented. If the essay is on one page, deduct 4 marks
Points of interpretation
1. (a) - Must be a story, if not deduct 3AD.
- Must end with the given sentences. If not deduct 2 AD.
- The story must involve an event that shows change of behavior of a character
possibly after an unpleasant experience due to earlier misbehavior.
(b) - Must be an argumentative essay.
- There must be an attempt to argue for or against both sides of the statement.
- Candidates must clearly come up with their stand/position with reference to the statement.
marto answered the question on April 4, 2019 at 12:47