The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
Conflicts are inevitable in life and human beings all over the world will disagree at on time or the other. The most important thing
is how the conflicts are resolved. This can be seen in The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera through Koro Apirana,
Nani Flowers, Rawiri and Porourangi.
Accept any other relevant introduction. (2mks)
- Conflict between Koro Apirana and Nani Flowers concerning the birth of Kahu. When Kahu is born, Koro Apirana is so
disappointed that he rows to the sea to sulk because he has been expecting a baby boy. The boy child who would inherit the
chiefdom which has traditionally been passed on from the eldest son to the eldest son. Kahu has broken this tradition. Nani
Flowers on the otherhand is so happy and to her it does not matter whether the baby is a girl or a boy. This conflict prompts
Koro Apriaa to start men-only classes in a bid to get a boy who can replace Kahu as chief in her generation.Conflict between
Nani Flowers and Koro Apriana over the naming of the girl Kahu as Kahutia Te Rangi. Koro Apriana suspects it was Nani
Flowers idea and is very angry because he finds this as belittling the ancestor of the village, Kahuti Te Rangi. Nani Flowers
is not bothered by this and encourages Reha. To Nani Flowers, Kahu is a symbolic name. This conflict does not influence a
change in the name.
- Conflict between Koro Apriana and Porourangi over the issue of chiefdom in Kahu's generation. Porourangi has no issue but
Koro Apirana is forever looking for somebody who can replace Kahu as chief in her generation. This conflict makes
Porourangi make sarcastic jokes about Koro Apriana?s attempt and he
keeps on saying that Koro is still looking for the one.
- Conflict between Nani Flowers and Rawire over Rawire's venture outside Whangara Rawire thinks it's a good idea but Nani
Flowers is opposed to it Nani asks what there is that he cannot find in Whangara. Later, when he calls to inform her that he is to fly with Jeff to Papua New
Guinea, she discourages him telling him that he will be eaten up by the people of Papua. Rawire however has a
different idea. These conflicts do not stop Rawire from venturing to the outside world.
- Conflict between Rawire and Jeff?s family when Jeff?s family cause an accident in which a native, Bernard is seriously
injured, they think it is unsafe and useless to help the injured man since he is a native. This is despite the fact that he works
in their plantation Rawire chooses to help him. Due to this conflict, Jeff?s family speed in the family car, leaving Rawire with the
helpless man. Unfortunately, Bernard dies of the accident injuries. This conflict makes Rawire think seriously about
going back home.
- Conflict between two parties at Wainui Beach during the incident of the stranded whales. There are those who are out to cut
up the whales using chainsaws, then get ready for a feast. The others want to help the whales back into the sea where they
belong. This conflict causes fist fights and name calling, unfortunately, all these whales finally die.
Expect four well developed points.
Mark 3:3:3:3 4 x 3 = 12mks
From the above illustrations, it is evident there are many conflicts in the text
The Whale Rider. These conflicts highlight various issues and help in development of the plot.
Accept any other valid conclusion. (2 mks)
Grammar and presentation (4 mks)
marto answered the question on April 4, 2019 at 12:54
- Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: May the proceedings of this tribunal begin...(Solved)
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
“May the proceedings of this tribunal begin and may God save the King.” intoned the DO. The twins looked at him with
interest. He waears and the tip of his long nose. His hair was an amazing yellow and wonder of wonders hid eyes were blue. Nevertheless he was
human and spoke with a human if strange voice - rather resonant with an unusual timbre, somewhat harsh to the ear.
“Great chief. I am a widow. My husband was the chief of Sakwa. We had two sons. The first one who would have
been chief died in the big war of the white people. His brother also died accidentally soon after taking over the chief?s stool. He left
one child, a son who is but a toddler. For this reason my late husband?s brother has taken over the chief?s stool supposedly in
custody for my grandson. However it has become clear that he has no intention of relinquishing that seat; what is more he has grabbed
all his brother?s wealth and is now at war with me, trying to grab my own personal wealth as well. He feels that being a woman I
deserve nothing. Now if this is allowed to happen, what will my grandson use to pay the brideprice and reclaim the chief?s
stool? May Were, God of the rising sun (the interpreter translated that simply as God) give his wisdom to you so that you can decide
this matter fairly. Thank you.” She sat down.
The DO was lost in thought for a few minutes. He had lived in this part of the country since the end of the war and he
was well aware how deeply these people were steeped in their tradition - they called it Chik. Chik governed every aspect of
the life of the people. It was the glue which held the people together, thus preventing disintegration of the fabric of society
and chaos. Without Chik to tell each person where he fitted in the exact order of things, where he came from and where he
could expect to go, there would be confusion and apprehension. Very few rebelled and were outcast, cut off from the people
like a branch from a tree. The majority were glad to avail themselves of the surety it offered; to do and to be done by.
According to Chik the brother should have married his brother?s widow and become guardian of the grandson and
custodian not owner of the chief?s stool. Animosity must run very deep in that family for this not to have been done. He cleared
his throat and spoke.
“This is a very deep and serious matter which cannot be decided in one sitting. May a team be dispatched to the village to
further investigate this matter. Then the woman may bring her appeal in three months to the visiting District Commissioner. Next
Akoko and her nephews left the tribunal and went back to their benefactor?s home. They discussed the DO?s decision. “You
mean there is a bigger white chief than this diyo?” Odongo asked.
“Looks like it,” replied the twins.
“Don?t you think he should have decided? Aunts? case is after all so s actually white - not cloud white, but an indefinable translucent colour with spots of red on the cheeks, theAkoko and her nephews left the tribunal and went back to their benefactor?s home. They discussed the DO?s decision. “You
mean there is a bigger white chief than this diyo?” Odongo asked.
“Looks like it,” replied the twins.
“Don?t you think he should have decided? Aunts? case is after all so clear.”
“May be he should have taken a longer time to think.”
“He probably does not understand the way of Chik. After all he is white.”
“My sons,” said Akoko. “Do not decide the wisdom of a man by the brevity of his quiet or the multitude of his words. It is only
a wise man who can decide quickly that he doesn?t know and needs to seek more knowledge. A fool knows everything. It is
only a wise man who does not hide his folly behind many words. I think this Diyo will help me.”
a. What had happened before this extract? (3 marks)
b. What did the boys find wondrous about the DO? (1 mark)
c. In note form outline the traditional practices of the community in this excerpt. (5 marks)
d. Apart from traditions which other three themes are evident in this excerpt? (6 marks)
e. Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices employed in this extract. (4 marks)
f. Akoko tells her nephews that she thinks this 'Diyo' will help her. How does this happen later in the story. (4 marks)
g. 'I think this Diyo will help me,'
(Rewrite the sentence and add a question tag) (1 mark)
h. What is the name of the benefactor mentioned in the extract?
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- “The society has lost its moral values.” Using the Pearl by John Steinbeck for your illustrations, show the truth of the above statement(Solved)
“The society has lost its moral values.” Using the Pearl by John Steinbeck for your illustrations, show the truth of the above statement
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow.
The short child shot a shot of his short white wash(Solved)
Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)
The short child shot a shot of his short white wash.
(i) Classify the genre. (2 marks)
(ii) Identify consonance in the genre above. (2 marks)
(iii) State two functions of the genre above. (2 marks)
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
'Rawiri experiences racial segregation in Papua, New Guinea,'
With reference to Witi Ihimaera's novel, The Whale Rider, write an essay in support...(Solved)
The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
'Rawiri experiences racial segregation in Papua, New Guinea,'
With reference to Witi Ihimaera's novel, The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- Using illustrations from Sefi Atta's short story, 'Twilight Trek,' write a composition to illustrate the problems illegal immigrants go....(Solved)
Answer the following question
Emilia Ilieva and Waveney Olembo (Eds.), When the Sun Goes Down and Other Short Stories from Africa and Beyond.
Using illustrations from Sefi Atta's short story, 'Twilight Trek,' write a composition to illustrate the problems illegal immigrants go through in the event of wanting to seek better lives abroad
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle.'Everyone in society gets what they deserve, whether good or bad.'Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations...(Solved)
Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle.
'Everyone in society gets what they deserve, whether good or bad.'
Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from the play,' The Caucasian Chalk Circle.'
Date posted: April 4, 2019. Answers (1)
- Akawala akaawa kaawa kaawa akaawa kawa (Buganda)
A girl who gave kaawa bitter coffee; where is she from?
(a) Identify the genre above.
(b) With illustrations, identify...(Solved)
Akawala akaawa kaawa kaawa akaawa kawa (Buganda)
A girl who gave kaawa bitter coffee; where is she from?
(a) Identify the genre above.
(b) With illustrations, identify any aspect of style used in the above genre.
(c) Give your own example of the genre above.
(d) Briefly explain any two functions of the genre
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Using the characters of David and Edith in Velma Pollard's Homestretch, write a composition to illustrate the truth of the statement, 'One is never too...(Solved)
Using the characters of David and Edith in Velma Pollard's Homestretch, write a composition to illustrate the truth of the statement, 'One is never too old for community service.'
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Using the character of Brenda in Homestretch, write a composition to show how early life experiences influences a person's view of reality.(Solved)
Using the character of Brenda in Homestretch, write a composition to show how early life experiences influences a person's view of reality.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Shreds of tenderness
(a) How successful is the playwright in using play within a play?
(b) 'Military coups have done a lot of harm in African countries.'...(Solved)
Shreds of tenderness
(a) How successful is the playwright in using play within a play?
(b) 'Military coups have done a lot of harm in African countries.' Discuss.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Shreds of Tenderness
'Without Stella, Wak and Odie would kill each other.' Citing examples from the play, support the above statement.(Solved)
Shreds of Tenderness
'Without Stella, Wak and Odie would kill each other.' Citing examples from the play, support the above statement.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Shreds of tenderness
Wak is more of a patriot than Odie despite the fact that he went on exile. Discuss this observation in the view of...(Solved)
Shreds of tenderness
Wak is more of a patriot than Odie despite the fact that he went on exile. Discuss this observation in the view of the conduct of the two brothers
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Shreds of Tenderness
John Ruganda: Shreds of Tenderness describe the problems faced by refugees in the play.(Solved)
Shreds of Tenderness
John Ruganda: Shreds of Tenderness describe the problems faced by refugees in the play.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Imagine you are John and you have planned to meet Wamuhu later in the evening to persuade her not to reveal her pregnancy to her...(Solved)
Thiongo's A meeting in the dark' write a composition on what you would do to ensure that this remains a secret until you leave for college.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Society places great expectations on women,' with reference to Wangui wa Goro's Heaven and Earth, write a composition in support of this observation(Solved)
'Society places great expectations on women,' with reference to Wangui wa Goro's Heaven and Earth, write a composition in support of this observation
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Female genital mutilation (FGM) goes against the principle of pleasure. Using Saida Hagi-Dirie Herzi's story, 'Against the pleasure principle' explain why FGM should never be...(Solved)
Female genital mutilation (FGM) goes against the principle of pleasure. Using Saida Hagi-Dirie Herzi's story, 'Against the pleasure principle' explain why FGM should never be carried out on women.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- What are the features that enable the writer to reveal the miseries in John's life in the story,'Meeting in the Dark' by Ngugi wa Thiongo.(Solved)
What are the features that enable the writer to reveal the miseries in John's life in the story, 'Meeting in the Dark' by Ngugi wa Thiongo.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- John Ruganda, Shreds of Tenderness
'During a civil war, those who flee their country suffer as much as those who remain behind.'
Drawing illustrations from Ruganda's Shreds...(Solved)
John Ruganda, Shreds of Tenderness
'During a civil war, those who flee their country suffer as much as those who remain behind.'
Drawing illustrations from Ruganda's Shreds of Tenderness, write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Macmillan (Ed.), Half a day and other stories
With illustrations from Fatmata Conteth's short story 'Letter to my Sisters', show how traditions have been used to...(Solved)
Macmillan (Ed.), Half a day and other stories
With illustrations from Fatmata Conteth's short story 'Letter to my Sisters', show how traditions have been used to oppress women
Date posted: April 3, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline the Techniques of narration.(Solved)
Outline the Techniques of narration.
Date posted: March 21, 2019. Answers (1)