Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Sales promotion involves taking measures such as advertising, intended to win over the attach customers. Nowadays people
have more money to spend on goods produced is a highly competitive commercial world than was the case twenty years ago.
Protection of the consumer is therefore necessary. As far as the law is concerned both the seller and the buyer are treated
almost equally. However, the right of the buyers stem from the fact that the purchase of goods involved a contract between
the seller and the buyer. The law recognizes that the buyer is responsible for ensuring that he buys exactly what he sets out to
At times, consumers feel that they are exploited and they complain at other times, grievance may be voiced and yet no remedy
is effected. This may be due to the consumer‟s ignorance of his tight, his unwillingness to complain or simply indifference
on his part.
Consumers dealing with public utility corporations, such as Post Office, something experienced frustrations yet they are taxed in order
that such institutions may be financed. However weak the consumer is he should at least be safeguarded from such trade abuses as
rising prices of monopolies, poor weight and measures, false or misleading statements, description, brand
names, or trade marks applied to both goods and services and unhygienic conditions.
The Kenya Consumer organization is a voluntary organization that looks at the welfare of the consumer. It acts as a „watch
dog‟ on various aspects of consumer problems. These problems include overcharging, poor quality of goods on sale, artificial
shortages, faulty packaging and refusal to sell or conditional selling to non-regular customers. If a customer finds that what
he has purchased is not up to the expected standard, he can direct his complains to the organization. He is then asked to
forward the faulty item plus the receipt to the organization. The item is examined and if the complaint is confirmed to be
genuine, the organization sends a representative with the faulty item and the receipt to where it was purchased.
The representative explains the situation to the seller and request him either to replace the item or refund the money. If the
seller is unco-oporative, the organization then reforms the Price Control Department which takes up the matter. Should the
trader remain adamant, he will be prosecuted and fined if found guilty. Members of the organization also visit factories
involved in production of consumer commodities. The aim of such visit is to inspect the processing and general cleanliness
of such places and the quality of goods being produced and offered to the consumer. The organization then makes
recommendations and if the factory fails to make the necessary rectification, the relevant authority is notified. This may
result in legal action being take against the factory
The Kenya Bureau of Standards is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that products manufactured in Kenya, either for
the local market or export, measure to the international standard and specification. It is also educates consumers on
standardization. The promote standardization in industry and commerce, the bureau prepares specification and provides
facilities for examination and testing of any commodities manufactured, produced and treated. It also controls the use of
standardization and distinctive marks. Where the bureau also tests necessary, imported commodities.
The weight and measures department, on it‟s part, ensues that all types of weighing and measuring instruments used in the
country are accurate. Regular inspection and examination of these instruments is therefore a requirement.
The ministry of health is charged with the duty of ensuring that foods are hygienically prepared and supplied to the consumer .
In conjuction with the Ministry of Livestock, and especially the Veterinary Department, the Health Inspectorate ensures that
all slaughtered houses are clean an that meat is inspected before being supplied. Health Inspectors also visit public eatingplaces and market to ensue that general cleanliness is maintained. The Dairy Board is a section of the Ministry of Livestock
Development, and is primarily charged with the supervision of dairy products. These include milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt
and cream.
The Price Control Advisory Board carries out investigations on commodities from the point of view of both the consumer and
the supplier, before putting items under price control. This departments, therefore, plays a double role; it not only controls
the price but it also educates the consumer. This is extremely important because if members of the public are informed, they
will not only be able to make intelligent, but they will also be in a position to detectover changing and thus get the best value
for money.
The government also provides consumer protection through controlled monopoly and legal restriction of charges and profits in
certain commodities and services. Nationalisation of certain services such as Post and Telecommunications, banking, transport
health education and water supply curbs exploitation.
Finally, through health competition, producers both individually and as members of the Manufacturers association do
promote consumer protection, though indirectly, Competition for instance, means that there are no monopolies to fix prices at will and
exploit the consumer. Similarly, the manufacturers association though its rules, ensure that its members do not
overcharge on any item.
(Adapted from commerce for Kenya by R.N. Gichira, Macmillan, 1982, 86 - 91)

(a) Why do grievances sometimes go uncorrected? (1 mark)

(b) How is the position of the consumer presented in this passage? (2 marks)

(c) Identify any four bodies that are concerned with consumer protection. (4 marks)

(d) What measures are taken by the Kenya Consumer Organization towards consumer protection? (2 marks)

(e) In not more than forty words, summarize the role the Kenya Bureau of Standards play in consumer protection. (4 marks)

(f) As far as the law is concerned, both the seller and the buyer are treated almost equally.

Rewrite the above sentence beginning. (Both ...) (1 mark)

(g) How is Nationalization of services important in protecting the consumer? (2 marks)

(h) Explain how a consumer can facilitate his own protection. (3 marks)

(i) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (3 marks)

(i) Legal restrictions

(ii) Sales promotion

(iii) Curbs




(a) Why do grievances sometimes go uncorrected? (1 mk)
Through ignorance, unwillingness to complain and indifference to the situation.

(b) How is the position of the consumer presented in this passage? (2 mks)
He is vulnerable to exploitation as long as he remains ignorant of his rights. He is also shown as one requiring protection.

(c) Identify any four bodies that are concerned with consumer protection. (4 mks)

- Kenya Consumer Organization.

- Bureau of Standards.

- Price Control Department.

- Departments of Weight and Measures.

- The Dairy Board

- Health Inspectorate

- Price Control Advisory

(d) What measures are taken by the Kenya Consumer Organization towards consumer protection? (2 mks)
Educating the consumer, inspecting the factories, investigating consumer complaints, taking up cases
against the seller and informing the price department who in turn can prosecute the seller in case he is
found guilty.

(e) In not more than forty words, summarize the role the Kenya Bureau of Standards play in consumer protection.
It ensures that goods put on the market are of good standards and that there is controlled standardization,
provide facilities for testing any manufactured commodities so that they are of international standards,
control the use of standardization and distinctive marks.
As far as the law is concerned, both the seller and the buyer are treated equally.

(f) As far as the law is concerned, both the seller and the buyer are treated almost equally.
Rewrite the above sentence beginning. (Both ...)(1 mk)
Both the seller and the buyer are treated almost equally as far as the law is concerned.

(g) Explain how a consumer can facilitate his own protection. (3 mks)
By being educated, reading extensively, when he stops being indifferent and when he seeks help.
(h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (3 mks)

(i) Legal restrictions - lawful control

(ii) Sales promotion - publicize matters concerning trade

(iii) Curbs - control / restrains

. 1. Vera has been struggling with her spirituality when Mary - Ann suggests that they go for a recollection. (2 mks)
. - She is not used to the genuflection displayed by Mary-Ann who bowed in one knee, hitting the floor with a light thud.
- She finds the decorations in church (on the ceiling and floor) unusual. It was a while before she could collect her wits
enough to listen to what the priest was reading and saying. (4 mks)

3. Dialogue - between Mary-Ann and Vera

Use of local diction - Matatu

Simile - Like large monkeys.

Allusion - Apollo II

Personification - In defiance of a sticker that was stuck on the windscreen next to the driver.
Metaphor - Sweet memories to mean 'no longer alive' (4 mks)

The style's effect should be explained.

4. Religions.

- Vera and Mary-Ann have gone to the chapel to worship.

- The menace of speeding public service vehicles. (4 mks)

5. Cautious - They both agree to use a bus back to campus rather than the reckless matatu.
Spiritual - They both take time to go to worship and saying to her spiritual life. (4 mks)

6. (a) - The music was deafening

- People packed bodies fammed together.

- Touts hurling insults.

- Gyrating dangerously at the door.

- Grabbed a rail and swung themselves like monkeys.

- Matatu kept stopping to solicit even disinterested bystanders to get into the matatu. (6 mks)

7. Into a stone building rather bare looking on the outside went the two girls.

marto answered the question on April 4, 2019 at 13:23

Next: Sound tends to travel over longer distance at night. Explain
Previous: State three components of character education

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    And do you desire to relive yourself of some baggage? Calcium is the latest weight-loss star to appear on the scene.
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    Will the wonders of food ever cease? Not if researchers in nutrition keep their pace.
    Let them keep the good news flowing - such as the fact that we don't have to starve ourselves to lose weight and keep diseases at bay.

    ((Adapted from Reader's Digest, January 2004)

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    (d) In what two forms can antioxidants be consumed? (2 marks)

    (e) In fact, nutritionists recommend that we eat five portions of fruit and vegetable a day. Rewrite this statement as a question.
    (1 mark)

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    (i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage. (3 marks)

    (a) Daunting

    (b) Baggage

    (c) Down a mountain

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    (ii) We were told to clear the ___________________ in relation to the missing money.

    (iii) Ask me about it. There is no ____________________ lost between them, that is why they cannot cope.

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Complete the following with an appropriate quantifier from the list given below.

    (i) As the drought intensified, the school cow produced ________________________ milk.

    (ii) Since the game is quite risky, ____________________ students participate in it.

    (iii) Don't worry , _______________________ paraffin will push you till mid-night.
    (some, any, little, a few, a little, few)

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

    (i) Kenya was privileged to receive two foreign dignitaries in 2015. (begin: It was….)

    (ii) She is proud, but she must still obey her boss order. (Begin: Proud….)

    (iii) Many students attended the seminar. They were from all over Mbooni sub - county. (Combine into one sentence using a relative pronoun)

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: May the proceedings of this tribunal begin and may God save the King....(Solved)

    Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

    'May the proceedings of this tribunal begin and may God save the King.' intoned the DO. The twins looked at him with
    interest. He was actually white - not cloud white, but an indefinable translucent co lour with spots of red on the cheeks, the ears and the tip of his long nose. His hair was an amazing yellow and wonder of wonders hid eyes were blue. Nevertheless he was human and spoke with a human if strange voice - rather resonant with an unusual timbre, somewhat harsh to the ear. 'Great chief. I am a widow. My husband was the chief of Sakwa. We had two sons. The first one who would have been chief died in the big war of the white people. His brother also died accidentally soon after taking over the chief's stool. He left one child, a son who is but a toddler. For this reason my late husband's brother has taken over the chief's stool supposedly in custody for my grandson. However it has become clear that he has no intention of relinquishing that seat; what is more he has grabbed all his brother?s wealth and is now at war with me, trying to grab my own personal wealth as well. He feels that being a woman I deserve nothing. Now if this is allowed to happen, what will my grandson use to pay the bride price and reclaim the chief?s stool? May Were, God of the rising sun (the interpreter translated that simply as God) give his wisdom to you so that you can decide this matter fairly. Thank you.' She sat down.
    The DO was lost in thought for a few minutes. He had lived in this part of the country since the end of the war and he was well aware how deeply these people were steeped in their tradition - they called it Chik. Chik governed every aspect of the life of the people. It was the glue which held the people together, thus preventing disintegration of the fabric of society and chaos. Without Chik to tell each person where he fitted in the exact order of things, where he came from and where he could expect to go, there would be confusion and apprehension. Very few rebelled and were outcast, cut off from the people like a branch from a tree. The majority were glad to avail themselves of the surety it offered; to do and to be done by.
    According to Chik the brother should have married his brother's widow and become guardian of the grandson and custodian not owner of the chief's stool. Animosity must run very deep in that family for this not to have been done. He cleared his throat and spoke.
    'This is a very deep and serious matter which cannot be decided in one sitting. May a team be dispatched to the village to further investigate this matter. Then the woman may bring her appeal in three months to the visiting District Commissioner. Next case.'
    Akoko and her nephews left the tribunal and went back to their benefactor's home. They discussed the DO's decision. 'You mean there is a bigger white chief than this diyo?' Odongo asked.
    'Looks like it,' replied the twins.
    'Don't you think he should have decided? Aunts case is after all so clear.' 'May be he should have taken a longer time to think.'
    'He probably does not understand the way of Chik. After all he is white.'
    'My sons,” said Akoko. 'Do not decide the wisdom of a man by the brevity of his quiet or the multitude of his words. It is only a wise man who can decide quickly that he doesn't know and needs to seek more knowledge. A fool knows everything. It is only a wise man who does not hide his folly behind many words. I think this Diyo will help me

    a. What had happened before this extract? (3 marks)

    b. What did the boys find wondrous about the DO? (1 mark)

    c. In note form outline the traditional practices of the community in this excerpt. (5 marks)

    d. Apart from traditions which other three themes are evident in this excerpt? (6 marks)

    e. Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices employed in this extract. (4 marks)

    f. Akoko tells her nephews that she thinks this,Diyo, will help her. How does this happen later in the story. (4 marks)

    g. I think this Diyo will help me.

    (Rewrite the sentence and add a question tag) (1 mark)

    h. What is the name of the benefactor mentioned in the extract?

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Calls to improve education most frequently.....(Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
    Calls to improve education most frequently circulate around the need for better prepared teachers, improved governance, expanded infrastructure and a relevant curriculum. Changes in these areas take time; investments in them are not easily quantifiable, and may reduce the financial attraction of the private sector.
    Textbooks, meanwhile, are rarely discussed as an investment, yet they are one of the most effective ways to improve students? learning. For the private sector in particular, they provide a straightforward and effective way to invest in education and see tangible results.
    And there is real pressing need for this investment. A new paper by the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report at Unesco shows that cutting through debates about the quality of textbooks is a fundamental problem: millions of children simply do not have access to such materials at all. In Kenya, as in many other sub-Saharan Africa, textbooks are becoming less accessible over time, rather than the reverse.
    Without textbooks, children end up spending too many of their school hours copying content from the blackboard, which severely reduces time for engaged learning. In 22 sub-Saharan African countries, providing one textbook to every student in a classroom increased literacy scores by up to 20 percent. While the buck should stop with governments, they are currently not investing enough in textbooks. In 2012, in 36 countries with data, governments were spending less than 2 per cent of primary education budgets on teaching and learning materials on average, far less than the 3-5 percent target recommended by the World Bank.
    The result is that parents are often left holding the burden; they are forced to cover the cost of learning materials for their children. For the poorest children, this creates a vicious cycle: parents have precious few funds for textbooks, serving as an additional barrier to learning.
    Getting a textbook to each and every child is not as easy as it sounds. There are several steps to its production, including the development, procurement, distribution and storage, all of which have their own complications, including corruption and transport issues.
    With so many parties involved in such a long process, the predictability of financing improves the chances that each child will possess a textbook. Unfortunately, it is precisely this predictability that is lacking in many low-income countries. Consider the situation in Africa where many countries have shifted towards decentralized textbook supply systems and away from ministries of Education deciding how many books each school should receive.
    In practice, this has led to schools buying different combinations of textbooks for the same subjects and grades. The result is neither cost-effective nor practical in providing uniformity across schools. At the school level, the capacity to effectively forecast the demand for textbooks and other teaching and learning materials remains tenuous.
    This is why our paper has investigated the benefits of shifting to a nationally centralized textbook system, which would pool demand for textbooks and ensure long-term and predictable financing. According to our estimates, this could take upto 3offthepriceofeachbook,savingalmost1 billion in sub-Saharan Africa alone. Kenya could save $64 million from its textbook bill.
    Pooling and forecasting demand in this way would open the door for innovative financing that could present smart investments for the private sector. A similar approach has been used by the health sector to finance vaccines through the
    Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.


    a. Why would the private sector find it less attractive to make financial investment in education? (2 marks)

    b. Why are textbooks of great interest to the private sector? (2 marks)

    c. What evidence do we have that governments are not keen on providing enough textbooks? (1 marks)

    d. According to the writer, what is the best way forward to cater for demand and costs of textbooks? (2 marks)

    e. What is the writer?s attitude towards parents in sub-Saharan Africa? (3 marks)

    f. In not more than forty words, give examples of factual information that has been provided by the writer. (4 marks)

    g. What do you find ironical in the above passage? (2 marks)

    h. Getting a textbook to each and every child is not as easy as it sounds. (Rewrite this sentence using the phrase ,easier said
    than done') (1 mark)

    i. Give the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (3 marks)

    -The buck should stop

    Date posted: April 4, 2019.  Answers (1)