You are a The Director of Changamka Theatre Group- a renowned theatre group that stages live performance of English and Kiswahili set books. a) Put a notice...


You are a The Director of Changamka Theatre Group- a renowned theatre group that stages live performance of English and
Kiswahili set books.

a) Put a notice to the public, inviting them to attend one of your shows. (6 marks)

a) As one of your marketing strategies, write a book review( of Bretch,s The Caucasian Chalk Circle) that you would mount
below the notice



a) Must be a notice, if not deduct 02 marks (AD)

Format (4 marks)

- Title ½
- Name of group ½
- Date ½
- Venue ½
- Time ½
- Books to be staged ½
- Charges ½
- Designation ½
Body (1mark)
- All the above must be filled.
Language (1mark)
- Must be formal.


Format (5 marks)

- Title 1mrk
- Author ½
- Publisher ½
- YOP ½
- Price ½
- No of pages ½
- Availability ½
- Reviewer 1 mark

Content (7 marks)
- Subject matter/content of the text 2 marks
- Choice of characters and style 2 marks
- Strength 1 mark
- Weakness 1 mark
- Persuasion to buy the text 1 mark
Language (2 marks)

marto answered the question on April 9, 2019 at 05:22

Next: Witi Ihimaera, The Whale rider. 'Female Characters are symbols of admiration in the story.' Justify the statement making close reference to Witi Ihimaera's Novel, The Whale...
Previous: Fill in each of the blank spaces below using one word.

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