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Witi Ihimaera: The Whale Rider Given opportunities, women can make positive contributions in the society. Justify this statement using The Novel Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera for...


Witi Ihimaera: The Whale Rider

Given opportunities, women can make positive contributions in the society. Justify this statement using The Novel Whale
Rider by Witi Ihimaera for your illustrations




It is indeed true that women can make positive contribution in the society if given a chance. A society that discriminate
against women wastes a lot of its potential. When given equal opportunities as men, women can be very instrumental in the development of any society. In The Whale a raider female characters come out strongly when they are needed most as discussed below.

(Any other relevant introduction, 2 marks)

(i) It is Nani flowers who comes to the aid of Kahu when Koro Apirana feels that the girl is worthless. She protects her from Koro, who keeps on growling at her.

Koro has been looking for an heir and the moment he realizes that porourangi's first child is a girl, he says he has nothing to do with her.

Nani flowers tries to change Koro's altitude by showing him that it is wrong to discriminate against women silence even they can make positive contribution to the society.

(ii) During the school break up ceremony, it is Kahu a girl who emerges the best deposit all the challenge she was facing. She writes a speech in Maori language.

This shows that if Koro had given her an opportunity in his quest for cultural, she could have made a positive contribution.
(iii) It is Kahu a girl who comes to the rescue of the community when the whales come to the beach to protest invasion of man. Kahu,who had been subjected to Koro?s hatred ,is the one who saves the people when their live hood is threatened. (iv) The white lady, who surprised Rawiri and the boys is seen warding off jealous whale hunters who are taking advantages of the shouting and calling that the people come together and manage to save the whales.

(v) Muriwai, Nani flowers' great ancestors saves a canoe from drawing. Muriwa, while in the company of other voyages, asserts herself to man's position and saves the canoe in which they are travelling from weeckngeection. She offers a lead by ordering her to paddle the canoe quickly hence saving it from pail pg 15

(vi) The whale mother is the one who convinces the Bull whale that the person riding on him is Kahutia the Ramogi. The Bull Whale seems to be convinced that wherever is riding on him is not Kahutia the Rangi. The Bull Whale through the Whale Mother?s pleading accepts to return to the sea and thus saving the people.

(Any other relevant point)

Mark any 4 points 3 marks each =12 marks)

Conclusion - (2 marks)

-Recap of main points or

-General statement on way forward. Introduction -2 marks

Content-12 marks

Conclusion - 2 marks Language -14 marks
marto answered the question on April 9, 2019 at 06:14

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