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Discuss criminal law and the auditor


Discuss criminal law and the auditor



A member of ICPA K is guilty of professional misconduct if:
• He allows any person to practice in his name as an accountant unless such a person is a
holder of a practicing certificate and he is in partnership with him or employed by him.
• He enters, for the purpose of or in the course of practicing as an accountant into partnership
with a person who does not hold a practicing certificate or secures any professional business
through the services of such a person.
• He discloses information acquired in the course of professional engagement to any person
other than the client without the consent of the client or otherwise as required by law.
• He certifies or submits in his name or in the name of his firm, a report of an examination of
financial statements and the examination of such statements and related records have not
been made by him, a partner or any employee of his firm.
• He fails to observe and apply professional, technical, ethical or any other standards
prescribed by ICPA K as guidelines for practice by members of the institute.
• He permits his name or that of his firm to be used in connection with an estimate of earnings
contingent upon future transaction in a manner which may lead to the belief that vouches or
guarantees for the accuracy of the forecast.
• He expresses his opinion as financial statements of any business in which he, his immediate
family, his firm or any partner in his firm has an interest unless he discloses that interest
when expressing his opinion.
• He fails to disclose in financial statements or otherwise, a material fact known to him the
disclosure of which is necessary to ensure that the financial statements are not misleading.
• He fails to report a material misstatement known to him and therefore causes it to appear in
financial statements with which he is concerned in a professional capacity.
• He is found to engage in fraudulent acts or acts which result into loss.
• He expresses an opinion on any matter with which he is concerned in professional capacity
without obtaining sufficient information on which to base his opinion.
• He includes in any statement, return or form to be submitted to ICPA K knowing it to be false
in any particular matter.
Wilfykil answered the question on April 11, 2019 at 08:55

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