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Explain a mechanism through which a body maintains a constant body temperature?


Explain a mechanism through which a body maintains a constant body temperature?



When the body temperature increases,the sweat glands increases the rate of sweat production which evaporates by absorbing latent heat of evaporation from the body resulting in a cooling effect .When the body temperature decreases there is low production of sweat resulting in retention of heat.
Low body temperature causes the erector pilli muscles to contract making the hairs to stand erect on the body surface thus trapping more air .Air is a bad conductor of heat thus insulates the body against heat loss by radiation and convection .when it is hot the erector pilli muscles relax causing the hair to lie flat thus trapping little air hence heat can be lost from the body surface.
At low body temperature blood vessels in the skin vasoconstrict thus reducing blood flow near the skin and thus prevent heat loss. At high body temperature vasodilation occurs increasing blood flow near the skin which encourages heat loss.
When the body temperature is low metabolic activities increases to enhance heat production,and when there are low metabolic activities less heat is generated.
At low body temperature shivering occurs to generate heat.
Keziahndichu answered the question on April 11, 2019 at 11:33

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