i) It made information readily accessible to many members of the society
ii) The development of writing made it possible for idea to spread fast
iii) It facilitated the establishment of permanent records
iv) It led to the establishment of libraries and archives
v) Maintaining written records promoted accuracy as people no longer relied on the ability of a few to recall events and maintain continuity
vi) It facilitated communication between individuals who are physically separated/letter writing
vii) It promoted literacy as people became eager to read the written information/illiteracy reduced
viii) It encouraged the development of allied industries such as paper production,
ix) It provided employment to people such as the scribes and teachers
x) Facilitated the spread of languages,
xi) It led to invention of the printing press/printing
xii) It led to establishment of schools and universities/not formal education
xiii) Led to the efficient of running of government eg In Egypt/unified empire of kingdoms,
xiv) Facilitated business transactions eg Greece
xv) Provided literature and theatre activities in Greece/poems,
xvi) Promoted agriculture eg in Egypt (harvests records, taxes)
xvii) Promoted the spread of religion through the written word
lemass answered the question on April 12, 2019 at 05:16
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